I was back from KL just last Wed. TOmorrow I will be going there again(this time following my family members). ^^
I just love it. I recently attended a Christmas Party in JOshua's house. It was great, as most of my school mates were there as well. We really had fun(played games, had a nice meal, and singing songs).
Yes...I will be going down again, this time till January 6(i guess).
Will be celebrating New Year, Camilia jie jie's organising a party! It will surely be a fun and great one, i am sure.
Next year, I will be taking my diploma for piano, and continueing my violin(g6, aftr i failed tis year). Then I will also be taking my driving lisence, and most probably try to get a part time job also. ^^
Really can't wait to go. Still, I also miss home a lot. >.<
hem.....With all these activities, I will not be so lonely and think about the sad things anymore. I still feel kind of lonely.
ah...Nvm. TIme passes.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
TIred but fun day. >.<
>.< Yay! I am now in Hartamas. TOday was a really tiring day. We(melisa, Ant, Hugo, Sam, Bernard) went down to Pudu at 9.40. Unfortunately during the trip, the bus driver forgot to put the brake then the bus reverse itself and knocked a car. OMg. Luckily, the bus just got some scratches and the car got a big dent.>.< so, they took some time to settle it, and it was raining during the trip, so we reached PUDu about 2(quite late compared to what we expect). THen, we took the LRT to Masjid Jamek, then we took KTM to Subang Jaya(8 to 9 stops*siao eh*), then a bus to SUnway Piramid. >.< it was tiring!! Imagine, walking with our big big bags around the area....Really siao d!! aahh..
FInally we reached Sunway PIramid at 5! It's crazy! After that, Melisa and I(Ant and his gang went to their hotel already) quickly went to Secret REcipe to eat!(we didn't eat since morning!!)
>.< THe food was nice, EXCEPT for the mushroom soup! ERGH! I regretted ordering it! >.< It tasted like burnt soup!
THen we went out to find Melisa's brothers. GUess what!? Melisa saw this one handbag(for 5seconds), and just bought it. =.=' waw! GEng. haha.
At last at 7+, we found her brothers+gfs+SweoFook, they were like,"what! You two walk around with these big bags??!!" -.-''
WEll, we did not have a choice....But then they helped us to carry our bags already(^^). haha.
THen both of us went around SUnway Pyramid for shopping. We bought many earrings, necklace, hairpins, and I bought a blouse, and played in the arcade for a while. We were really drained....>.<
NOw we are back in her apartment in HArtamas, nice house, really. It's like a hotel itself! Great!
Btw, I am extending my stay here, until Wednesday. THis is because Melisa's Brothers beh pang sim let us go home alone. Nyek! haha! So, ok loh....FOllowing them back on Wednesday. (though I would like to go home to 55 take my driving lisence thingy.....in the other hand, staying here is nice also..-,-; but I am really using money like mad!! Just today I spend almost 100+ already!) =,='
So, tomorrow we are going to the Cosmic Festival in Sunway Pyramid, and SUngai Wang, and etc.etc.etc. JUst like that for now.. >.<
FInally we reached Sunway PIramid at 5! It's crazy! After that, Melisa and I(Ant and his gang went to their hotel already) quickly went to Secret REcipe to eat!(we didn't eat since morning!!)
>.< THe food was nice, EXCEPT for the mushroom soup! ERGH! I regretted ordering it! >.< It tasted like burnt soup!
THen we went out to find Melisa's brothers. GUess what!? Melisa saw this one handbag(for 5seconds), and just bought it. =.=' waw! GEng. haha.
At last at 7+, we found her brothers+gfs+SweoFook, they were like,"what! You two walk around with these big bags??!!" -.-''
WEll, we did not have a choice....But then they helped us to carry our bags already(^^). haha.
THen both of us went around SUnway Pyramid for shopping. We bought many earrings, necklace, hairpins, and I bought a blouse, and played in the arcade for a while. We were really drained....>.<
NOw we are back in her apartment in HArtamas, nice house, really. It's like a hotel itself! Great!
Btw, I am extending my stay here, until Wednesday. THis is because Melisa's Brothers beh pang sim let us go home alone. Nyek! haha! So, ok loh....FOllowing them back on Wednesday. (though I would like to go home to 55 take my driving lisence thingy.....in the other hand, staying here is nice also..-,-; but I am really using money like mad!! Just today I spend almost 100+ already!) =,='
So, tomorrow we are going to the Cosmic Festival in Sunway Pyramid, and SUngai Wang, and etc.etc.etc. JUst like that for now.. >.<
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I don't know whats happening to me.
I am going to be crazy soon!
Well, To YOU...YOu...it's not like what you think. I already think about this for a long time d. I really feel that this is not the right moment. I don't want to be tied down. Well, i just want to go on without any worries, though I know that it's impossible. LIfe's change. Life will always change, right?
I am still thinking about you..I still miss you..MIss you, just you, everything about you. I can't believe that this is happening. But, I will try to let it go. It's over for now. NOt now. JUst nt now.
You have just got to think about our future. We cannot improve much if we just stay like this forever. No matter what, if we have fate, yes, we will get togethrt, next time.
All I want is *keep in touch*, cause it's a fact that we can never let go fully.
I still want to know whats going on in your life without me, I want to know that you're doing fine. yes! >.<
Baka..Rmber to take care of yourself, sleep properly, eat properly, stay safe.
Yes, we are all going on and on.....To all my buddies, goodbye to all of ya..I love you guys..and keep in touch ya. MUax.
Tommorow I will be going to KL with Melisa dear! ^^ yea...Hope that I will have fun and be able to relax myself fully. >.<
When I am back, I will be going to take my driving lisence. After that, I will be going to KL again, for NeW Year celeb, and probably stay with a few cousins(probably get a job)? hem..
After this, I will take my piano diploma, and hope that my SPM results will be good, and I will apply to go to USM. YEa. If not, Matric or just FORm6. >.< I will go for Art and Music, where I can really express myself. So, mostly it would be some lawyer, or business thingy, or just something without much SCience. leh....>.<
Well, To YOU...YOu...it's not like what you think. I already think about this for a long time d. I really feel that this is not the right moment. I don't want to be tied down. Well, i just want to go on without any worries, though I know that it's impossible. LIfe's change. Life will always change, right?
I am still thinking about you..I still miss you..MIss you, just you, everything about you. I can't believe that this is happening. But, I will try to let it go. It's over for now. NOt now. JUst nt now.
You have just got to think about our future. We cannot improve much if we just stay like this forever. No matter what, if we have fate, yes, we will get togethrt, next time.
All I want is *keep in touch*, cause it's a fact that we can never let go fully.
I still want to know whats going on in your life without me, I want to know that you're doing fine. yes! >.<
Baka..Rmber to take care of yourself, sleep properly, eat properly, stay safe.
Yes, we are all going on and on.....To all my buddies, goodbye to all of ya..I love you guys..and keep in touch ya. MUax.
Tommorow I will be going to KL with Melisa dear! ^^ yea...Hope that I will have fun and be able to relax myself fully. >.<
When I am back, I will be going to take my driving lisence. After that, I will be going to KL again, for NeW Year celeb, and probably stay with a few cousins(probably get a job)? hem..
After this, I will take my piano diploma, and hope that my SPM results will be good, and I will apply to go to USM. YEa. If not, Matric or just FORm6. >.< I will go for Art and Music, where I can really express myself. So, mostly it would be some lawyer, or business thingy, or just something without much SCience. leh....>.<
Monday, December 14, 2009
What am I to do? What am I to think?
Well, it seems that I will not be getting my lisence that soon. It's like I really want to do so many things(like work and stuff like that). Still, it's like I can't do any! I haven't. >.<
Well, I shouldn't think too much, I should just enjoy this holiday of mine. JUst wait till next few years, I will be driving like mad(and wished that I didn't even have any lisence!!) and I will be working away(and wished that I had more more holidays).
Just that my stupid childish mind doesn't allow me to think that way. I am just blinded by the outlook of things.
I want to get lisence, I want to work, I want this and that. =.=' I guess it's normal for a teenager! =.='
aaaahhh!! Stupid me. >.< I just have to enjoy my life, no matter how it's going to be, right? hmm....
I have just read a NIcholas Sparks book(Message in a Bottle). em..
Well, I have also been going to malls often with my family...Lalala!.
Waw! GUess what. I am also watching a japanese drama thingy(Kimi wa Petto). Well, it's kinda funny, and I feel that the main actress looks like.........MELISA!. Wa aw! Really pretty and cool...yeah!
**Can't wait**
Will be going to KL with Melisa this week. Yes!! I am really looking forward to the trip. We'll be going to colleges, to malls(to shop for cny clothing(I can't imagine how much I am going to spend!$$$$), to some cosplay event, and yeah....etc.etc. ahh...great! ^^
I went to Starwalk yesterday...Well, it was really packed with ppl!! WHOA!!
I am kind of speechless about it. Nyek! em..But it was fun(though I was not lucky enough to get any prizes) huhu! Haha!. BUt together with like 13000 people who also didn't get any prize, well, it's not that bad..haha!
Well, I shouldn't think too much, I should just enjoy this holiday of mine. JUst wait till next few years, I will be driving like mad(and wished that I didn't even have any lisence!!) and I will be working away(and wished that I had more more holidays).
Just that my stupid childish mind doesn't allow me to think that way. I am just blinded by the outlook of things.
I want to get lisence, I want to work, I want this and that. =.=' I guess it's normal for a teenager! =.='
aaaahhh!! Stupid me. >.< I just have to enjoy my life, no matter how it's going to be, right? hmm....
I have just read a NIcholas Sparks book(Message in a Bottle). em..
Well, I have also been going to malls often with my family...Lalala!.
Waw! GUess what. I am also watching a japanese drama thingy(Kimi wa Petto). Well, it's kinda funny, and I feel that the main actress looks like.........MELISA!. Wa aw! Really pretty and cool...yeah!
**Can't wait**
Will be going to KL with Melisa this week. Yes!! I am really looking forward to the trip. We'll be going to colleges, to malls(to shop for cny clothing(I can't imagine how much I am going to spend!$$$$), to some cosplay event, and yeah....etc.etc. ahh...great! ^^
I went to Starwalk yesterday...Well, it was really packed with ppl!! WHOA!!
I am kind of speechless about it. Nyek! em..But it was fun(though I was not lucky enough to get any prizes) huhu! Haha!. BUt together with like 13000 people who also didn't get any prize, well, it's not that bad..haha!
Friday, December 11, 2009
A day with the past.
Yes indeed. I spent a day in the past. I went out with Melisa, Tofu, and KokCHian. I just don't know why I did it. It's like kinda, Too late to apologize, but I should let it go, shouldn't I? It's quite depressing...
Could anyone tolerate or think of a reason that your loved ones would do things behind your back, and acting innocent in front of you alL the while, then after admitting, asking you to forgive him/her?
Well, it goes to KokChian and Melisa.
BUt hey, Melisa, I don't mean to hurt you here again for keeping the secret that(you noe), away from me. BUt you did tell me d truth in the end. Em...HEy..I forgive you already, please don't think too much. I am just posting it as my own memory, for us.
I want you to know that I really love you, since I started to really appreciate you last time. I do not want us to be apart anymore, ok? PUt all our bad memories behind, well, we could talk about them in d future and just laugh at how childish we were, right? YEs! I love you! (really want to tell you this)
To KOk Chian, I am kind of speechless about you. I could not believe that this is happening. It's kind of stupid that after so long, we did get together again, Just because of a (bday wish). loL! it's quite sad to know that you may be going to America or some other place next time. I still, do not know what you regard me as. I was too young that time. However, from that time, I really appreciate you(that's why I got irritating to you), but I really do not know about you. Is it just a way that everyone does just to treat little sisters, just to cheer them and make them feel good? haha! it's really funny. Thanks for comng into my life, you gave me courage, you made me stronger, and you made me realise things. Just that. Still, sorry for being like a 'pest' to you.
Well, I really had a good time today. In the end, as usual, Melisa had to go home ASAP.....It's like history is repeating itself once every year. It was about a year ago, when Melisa, me, and her gb(Daniel), went to PCF, and in the end, she got to rush like mad to get a dress from me(for a xmas party), and home(her mum scold). =.='
I do have a post about this event in this blog. http://adelife3.blogspot.com/2008/12/fun-day.html
It's really stressing, but when we think about it again, It's quite funny and also, childish in a way. yeah! haha!
I am loving every moment I spend with you(melisa). Thanks for being with me and giving me all the support I needed. Really, and also to others who cared for me. I am kind of speechless, and still, way way way CHILDISH!! OMG!!! It's embarassing! aw!!
Could anyone tolerate or think of a reason that your loved ones would do things behind your back, and acting innocent in front of you alL the while, then after admitting, asking you to forgive him/her?
Well, it goes to KokChian and Melisa.
BUt hey, Melisa, I don't mean to hurt you here again for keeping the secret that(you noe), away from me. BUt you did tell me d truth in the end. Em...HEy..I forgive you already, please don't think too much. I am just posting it as my own memory, for us.
I want you to know that I really love you, since I started to really appreciate you last time. I do not want us to be apart anymore, ok? PUt all our bad memories behind, well, we could talk about them in d future and just laugh at how childish we were, right? YEs! I love you! (really want to tell you this)
To KOk Chian, I am kind of speechless about you. I could not believe that this is happening. It's kind of stupid that after so long, we did get together again, Just because of a (bday wish). loL! it's quite sad to know that you may be going to America or some other place next time. I still, do not know what you regard me as. I was too young that time. However, from that time, I really appreciate you(that's why I got irritating to you), but I really do not know about you. Is it just a way that everyone does just to treat little sisters, just to cheer them and make them feel good? haha! it's really funny. Thanks for comng into my life, you gave me courage, you made me stronger, and you made me realise things. Just that. Still, sorry for being like a 'pest' to you.
Well, I really had a good time today. In the end, as usual, Melisa had to go home ASAP.....It's like history is repeating itself once every year. It was about a year ago, when Melisa, me, and her gb(Daniel), went to PCF, and in the end, she got to rush like mad to get a dress from me(for a xmas party), and home(her mum scold). =.='
I do have a post about this event in this blog. http://adelife3.blogspot.com/2008/12/fun-day.html
It's really stressing, but when we think about it again, It's quite funny and also, childish in a way. yeah! haha!
I am loving every moment I spend with you(melisa). Thanks for being with me and giving me all the support I needed. Really, and also to others who cared for me. I am kind of speechless, and still, way way way CHILDISH!! OMG!!! It's embarassing! aw!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Back from the "zombie" zone...
TadaiIiiiima!! =.='
I am back!! (i guess) After about 2 months of being kinda...'crazy' and blurring the whole time, I am now back to my usual relaxed self. Yeah! Well, I still do not know what to expect, for now. I spent time today, cleaning my room=in the end, it looks more messy now. >.< I took out aLLLL my SPM books, exam papers, and just put them all in stacks(around 4). OMg....IT's really stressing.
Well, now I just need to get buyers, At least I could sell them and get back some cash$$$$$.
okie....For now, I still do not have any plans..Well, I have yet to go out for a day in the malls, or movies..or etc.etc.. There's so much in my head now that I can't really think straight yet(talking about me 'back' to myself). huuuu......Really can't believe that it's over, for good and bad.
Whenever I am doing things, I always have lots of ideas and things that I want to post here, however, I seem to be 'lost' whenever I am posting stuff. There's just too much to be done. haha! Still, I feel so blur and just blur..and am going to be blur for a really long time. =.='
Well, I am spending time now, reading NiCholas Spark's books, it's quite nice, the way and style he wrote these stories, still, after some time, I will start to feel bored with his style.LLALALAllal!
YEss INDEED! TIme flies..I remember the times when I used to admire secondary students(when I was in primary). NOw, I have completed it all! WHOA!! It's hard to believe, but it's true! (I am getting old!!???) adui!
When I always admire those older than me...haha. NOw, there are younger ones admiring me(woo!!!Though I act cool all the time) haha! great!
Well, it's time for a new chapter in my life. It will be really different. HOwever, hopefully, *set* my mind...I am ready to face all this. Friends walking in and out of your life, it's normal ya. JUst remember, to keep in touch. ^^ yesiree!
Em. Probably I will be going to KL with Melisa for some cosplay thingy(though I am not that interested, but, well, not bad..^^) and also for...ahh! JUst for the fun and to relax myself! haha! I hope to get a job next year, as wat? Well, I have been thinking about this for quite some time, still, I am so """BLURR""". Haha! I will really 'love' the boss who will actually hire me(for being patient and tolerant) =.='
Well, this is all I can post for now..**noted** I will be reading this in the future, am going to laugh at myself, shake my head and just ...watever! =.='
It's really weird. I actually always remember other ppl's bday. I really dislike it, I remember but rarely other remembers mine. So, I am really sorry if I actually didn't wish you(anyone, you you you, all of you) on your bday for this year on, because, I really am tired. okie?? haha! HOwever, I do feel bad for ignoring something that I actually know-still, lallla!
K fineee...
Really got tons of things to do, just do not know where to start! GOGO!
I am back!! (i guess) After about 2 months of being kinda...'crazy' and blurring the whole time, I am now back to my usual relaxed self. Yeah! Well, I still do not know what to expect, for now. I spent time today, cleaning my room=in the end, it looks more messy now. >.< I took out aLLLL my SPM books, exam papers, and just put them all in stacks(around 4). OMg....IT's really stressing.
Well, now I just need to get buyers, At least I could sell them and get back some cash$$$$$.
okie....For now, I still do not have any plans..Well, I have yet to go out for a day in the malls, or movies..or etc.etc.. There's so much in my head now that I can't really think straight yet(talking about me 'back' to myself). huuuu......Really can't believe that it's over, for good and bad.
Whenever I am doing things, I always have lots of ideas and things that I want to post here, however, I seem to be 'lost' whenever I am posting stuff. There's just too much to be done. haha! Still, I feel so blur and just blur..and am going to be blur for a really long time. =.='
Well, I am spending time now, reading NiCholas Spark's books, it's quite nice, the way and style he wrote these stories, still, after some time, I will start to feel bored with his style.LLALALAllal!
YEss INDEED! TIme flies..I remember the times when I used to admire secondary students(when I was in primary). NOw, I have completed it all! WHOA!! It's hard to believe, but it's true! (I am getting old!!???) adui!
When I always admire those older than me...haha. NOw, there are younger ones admiring me(woo!!!Though I act cool all the time) haha! great!
Well, it's time for a new chapter in my life. It will be really different. HOwever, hopefully, *set* my mind...I am ready to face all this. Friends walking in and out of your life, it's normal ya. JUst remember, to keep in touch. ^^ yesiree!
Em. Probably I will be going to KL with Melisa for some cosplay thingy(though I am not that interested, but, well, not bad..^^) and also for...ahh! JUst for the fun and to relax myself! haha! I hope to get a job next year, as wat? Well, I have been thinking about this for quite some time, still, I am so """BLURR""". Haha! I will really 'love' the boss who will actually hire me(for being patient and tolerant) =.='
Well, this is all I can post for now..**noted** I will be reading this in the future, am going to laugh at myself, shake my head and just ...watever! =.='
It's really weird. I actually always remember other ppl's bday. I really dislike it, I remember but rarely other remembers mine. So, I am really sorry if I actually didn't wish you(anyone, you you you, all of you) on your bday for this year on, because, I really am tired. okie?? haha! HOwever, I do feel bad for ignoring something that I actually know-still, lallla!
K fineee...
Really got tons of things to do, just do not know where to start! GOGO!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
yay!! AT LAST!! SPM is OVER for me.. ^^
HOwever, I guess, my results will not be that excellent..CHEmistry was bad.>.<
OH! I can't bear to think about it anymoreE!!.
Well, directly after exams, I hanged out with my friends in our usual, Care4..HAha!
And guess wat! I got a really nice pic....And I really am going to send it to theStar! yay!
After all this, I am going to clear things up, take my driving lisence. Well, not to forget, STARWalk!!yeah..
THere are so many things to do. >.< em..
YEs yesiree...This is the moment.
I am now just speechless. I wish to go back to the past at some time, but still, it's impossible..So, LIve on! yeah!
HOwever, I guess, my results will not be that excellent..CHEmistry was bad.>.<
OH! I can't bear to think about it anymoreE!!.
Well, directly after exams, I hanged out with my friends in our usual, Care4..HAha!
And guess wat! I got a really nice pic....And I really am going to send it to theStar! yay!
After all this, I am going to clear things up, take my driving lisence. Well, not to forget, STARWalk!!yeah..
THere are so many things to do. >.< em..
YEs yesiree...This is the moment.
I am now just speechless. I wish to go back to the past at some time, but still, it's impossible..So, LIve on! yeah!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
...waw!!! i am on the stairway to heaven..!
woooooooooooo.... It has been really long since I last on9... Well, now, I finished taking about 7 subjects d. I still left 4, and the 3, are my worst! >.< It's coming...the climax for me in this SPM. huhu....
Hopefully i could get good results.
I can't wait for the end of this. Then, I will be able to do SOOOoooo many things(it seemed). hmm...
Hopefully i could get good results.
I can't wait for the end of this. Then, I will be able to do SOOOoooo many things(it seemed). hmm...
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Omg.. I am feeling soooOO Tired..And am having a massive headache now.. >.<
Another 35days more to SPM. It's really killing me..Physically and Mentally. I really have a lot more to study...Time is really passing fast.
TOo Fast, too Soon...why....
.............I really cannot stand it anymore..I am just holding on..
Jyjy Adelyn!
Another 35days more to SPM. It's really killing me..Physically and Mentally. I really have a lot more to study...Time is really passing fast.
TOo Fast, too Soon...why....
.............I really cannot stand it anymore..I am just holding on..
Jyjy Adelyn!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Backkk here...
>.< I got my results for my trial exam...
Sucks!! NOt even 9A's. Headache. I still have 1month++.
Btw, I failed my violin Grade6...great...>.<
haiz... =.=' I really feel tired...BUt still I have to go on..
........................Nth to say..
I thought that I can write a long post here because a lot of things happen..but still I am too tired to think too much.
Well, Tommorow, Hari Raya.Going to elyn's house. Yeah.. ^^ Then study study study..meow..
Sucks!! NOt even 9A's. Headache. I still have 1month++.
Btw, I failed my violin Grade6...great...>.<
haiz... =.=' I really feel tired...BUt still I have to go on..
........................Nth to say..
I thought that I can write a long post here because a lot of things happen..but still I am too tired to think too much.
Well, Tommorow, Hari Raya.Going to elyn's house. Yeah.. ^^ Then study study study..meow..
Sunday, August 30, 2009
YEah.. I just came bck from a bday dinner with Mama(her bday coming), big kor, Yee HUi Jie, BIg JIe, and Meng meng JIe.
Guess what??? I wanted to give mama a surprise gift, which was a Banana CHoco cake from Secret Recipe. THen when I already bought the cake, I waited in d shop for Adam to come, then I felt lazy, then I walked over by myself...THen when I was at d entrance,,,,,,Long life!!! Big kor's car came in front, and my 'surprise'....EXPOSED!!! If only I waited for Adam...IT's either I was there earlier a minute, or late a minute, then it will be a surprise d. >.< haiz...Gai..
BTw, then we all went to Sakae Sushi for dinner.. ^^ It's was great.. YEah!!

Yee HUi JIe said that this will only be available for this month.? WAw.. Delicious. ^^

The 1st cake which I bought myself. ^^

Guess what??? I wanted to give mama a surprise gift, which was a Banana CHoco cake from Secret Recipe. THen when I already bought the cake, I waited in d shop for Adam to come, then I felt lazy, then I walked over by myself...THen when I was at d entrance,,,,,,Long life!!! Big kor's car came in front, and my 'surprise'....EXPOSED!!! If only I waited for Adam...IT's either I was there earlier a minute, or late a minute, then it will be a surprise d. >.< haiz...Gai..
BTw, then we all went to Sakae Sushi for dinner.. ^^ It's was great.. YEah!!
Yee HUi JIe said that this will only be available for this month.? WAw.. Delicious. ^^
The 1st cake which I bought myself. ^^

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Kai kai..
Well, today i went out to SC with YeeYang. ^^
We went to Nando's for lunch and for the movie 'up'. It was really nice. NIce, funny, and also sweat..=.=' haha! I also bought a new water bottle. =='

We even went to Foong's house after SC. HAha! TOday, I met Zarif(SC), Aj(at Tesco). I feel really happy today. Tomorrow, Xin Hui might come my house for me to teach her Maths. =.=' Btw, mayb tomorrow night, I am going to have dinner with my mama(bday), kor, jie jies.. ^^
We went to Nando's for lunch and for the movie 'up'. It was really nice. NIce, funny, and also sweat..=.=' haha! I also bought a new water bottle. =='
We even went to Foong's house after SC. HAha! TOday, I met Zarif(SC), Aj(at Tesco). I feel really happy today. Tomorrow, Xin Hui might come my house for me to teach her Maths. =.=' Btw, mayb tomorrow night, I am going to have dinner with my mama(bday), kor, jie jies.. ^^
Friday, August 21, 2009
YAY!! The Trials are over(left moral).
Finally, it's the holilday!!
++++HOwever, I now, must really 'pia' already!! I really did bad in the exam. I will not get any A's if i continue to be so relaxed.
Btw, I just had a great time (karoake), with Melisa dear, Alvin, Otto, Adam, and Chong hao..
BUt, melisa, alvin and otto like very paise to sing, so in the end, only me, adam and Chong Hao, sang like hell!!! WHOOAAA!! ^^ haha!
I really enjoyed it, and am soo relief. huuu...
Btw, today, i really spent a lot, on karoake, and sakae(unatama don)!! HUUYOOOHH!!

Sot d. Anyway, MUgi's coming back tommorow!! I am looking forward to go out kai kai with him and Yangy. ^^
++Muaks!1 I LOVe all of you!!!
Finally, it's the holilday!!
++++HOwever, I now, must really 'pia' already!! I really did bad in the exam. I will not get any A's if i continue to be so relaxed.
Btw, I just had a great time (karoake), with Melisa dear, Alvin, Otto, Adam, and Chong hao..
BUt, melisa, alvin and otto like very paise to sing, so in the end, only me, adam and Chong Hao, sang like hell!!! WHOOAAA!! ^^ haha!
I really enjoyed it, and am soo relief. huuu...
Btw, today, i really spent a lot, on karoake, and sakae(unatama don)!! HUUYOOOHH!!

Sot d. Anyway, MUgi's coming back tommorow!! I am looking forward to go out kai kai with him and Yangy. ^^
++Muaks!1 I LOVe all of you!!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Beware of this H1N1 thingyy....that is why I am not going to school again, tomorrow and the day after. I am planning to study at home(hopefully). Btw, Many ppl were wearing face masks today, in sch. >.< creepy H1N1.
Everyday, it's so boring.....I really can't wait for my trials to finish, then I can enjoy the holidays. T-T
Waw.....En.Faizan ask me to give him my art folio. He is going to bring it to somewhere for another exhibition, again. ^^ great. I am glad that I can contribute to the sch(for art). ^^
Aaaa....It's really tiring nowadays. I am also planning to temporarily stop my music classes in October. And yesh...yesh....I am really trying my best, not to on9..But now, AIYA....Stomach painful ma..=.=''' LOL. HAHA!!
Rarely I get the permission from my dad to skip schoole. =.=' Haha!! *evil* anyway, Bernerd's acting weird d.. Aaron, U better guide him ah.. He's Asking me to be his matchmaker for he and SP. (Shhhh, do not tell him that I tell you ah...) ^^ He's always calling me Doctor(because I wore a face mask in sch today, and also his 'matchmaker', I didn't agree to be) =.=' Still, I think he should't push it too far, and try to relax more. >.< What's with all these f2 boys lah(except Aaron lah, still normal lah) JK.
Eventually, we(whoever) will all leave each other and get new friends. BAlinda's gone, to KL. I will really miss her, and keep all our memories in my heart.
Everyday, it's so boring.....I really can't wait for my trials to finish, then I can enjoy the holidays. T-T
Waw.....En.Faizan ask me to give him my art folio. He is going to bring it to somewhere for another exhibition, again. ^^ great. I am glad that I can contribute to the sch(for art). ^^
Aaaa....It's really tiring nowadays. I am also planning to temporarily stop my music classes in October. And yesh...yesh....I am really trying my best, not to on9..But now, AIYA....Stomach painful ma..=.=''' LOL. HAHA!!
Rarely I get the permission from my dad to skip schoole. =.=' Haha!! *evil* anyway, Bernerd's acting weird d.. Aaron, U better guide him ah.. He's Asking me to be his matchmaker for he and SP. (Shhhh, do not tell him that I tell you ah...) ^^ He's always calling me Doctor(because I wore a face mask in sch today, and also his 'matchmaker', I didn't agree to be) =.=' Still, I think he should't push it too far, and try to relax more. >.< What's with all these f2 boys lah(except Aaron lah, still normal lah) JK.
Eventually, we(whoever) will all leave each other and get new friends. BAlinda's gone, to KL. I will really miss her, and keep all our memories in my heart.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I am so bad...
it's already been two day that I skipped sch. =.= LOL..
I am trying my best to study at home..>.<
Still, I can't cut down my on9 time...
>.< Stressing.
T.T Trial exam-is next week.
it's already been two day that I skipped sch. =.= LOL..
I am trying my best to study at home..>.<
Still, I can't cut down my on9 time...
>.< Stressing.
T.T Trial exam-is next week.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Great Outing!!
Yesterday, we(me, Suganya, Esh, Balinda, Rosmah, Zhi Qin, Wei Yitt, Junyi, Johnathan, Winnie, Sin yee, Avinaash, Joshua) went to SC to have lunch at Pizza Hut(it's a outing because Balinda's going to KL d).
We really had a great time. After eating, we went to buy shirts for Balinda, so that everyone in our class can sign on the shirt. It was like 13 ppl entering a shop to buy a shirt. =.= LOL.
Then, we took tons and tons of pictures, and played bumper car, and raced in the arcade. ^^
It was really really NIce and fun, it's the first time I go out with my classmates, and also in such a big group. Great!!
*********goodbye fun, Hello exam!*****************=.='
We really had a great time. After eating, we went to buy shirts for Balinda, so that everyone in our class can sign on the shirt. It was like 13 ppl entering a shop to buy a shirt. =.= LOL.
Then, we took tons and tons of pictures, and played bumper car, and raced in the arcade. ^^
It was really really NIce and fun, it's the first time I go out with my classmates, and also in such a big group. Great!!
*********goodbye fun, Hello exam!*****************=.='
Friday, July 31, 2009
Yesterday, It was my sch's jogathon and Hari Kantin.
In my class, I was the only girl running. =.=' LOL. haha!!
GUess what, Pengetua even did some senamrobik. =.='
Btw, After the run, I really felt sick and luckily, my friend came and helped me buy a burger(it sucks, bitter cucumber and cold egg), in the end, he gave it to another girl because I could't take the smell and taste of the sos. Then, I ate some fruits and felt better.
Then I met Aaron, and we went to buy some food, Guess what I bought!?
I had 3 diff sizes of yogurt, a chicken kebab, roti john, spegetti, and Lolipop!
LOL. As the 'tauke lolipop', our ELS managed to sell, more than 700 lolipops, and we collected about, RM421. HOORay!! ^^
___aw... Guess what, There's this Boy(our ketua pengawas), He was playing the role or a ghost in the rumah hantu, and he got possessed. Woooo....creepy, it's because they used banana leaf without any rituals. (creepy) He came out and was doing some silat. =.='
There were a lot of things, like fear factor, and bands(noisy), and also games. Really nice, it's a pity that some ppl(most), regarded this day to be boring and didn;t even come.
Well, all I can say, I really enjoyed the day, with all my closests friends.(balinda, Esh, Suganya, aaron, Teacher NUrul(she rocks, with another teacher,they tried fear factor, holding worms and bugs and frogs and drinking mixed drinks), Pn.Jeya, etc.) I even met Krishnaveni.! I get to really enjoy myself.
Today is teacher NUrul's last day, I will miss her. I wish her all the best in the future.
It was a boring day and I went to sch just to take the Cert.(for pengerusi). =.='
There was no H1N1 talk, and it was all lucky draw, and most f5's won't get(as lazy as we are, did not even collect rm20+). =.=' Mostly f1 and f2. =.='
I will now study more..Work harder. Mayb I will not go to sch on MOnday(extra classes are starting,Sucks).
************I will miss u Balinda, and all the best to u for ur exam,I wish your daddy well, MUaks! ************** KIT(Keep In Touch)
Yesterday, It was my sch's jogathon and Hari Kantin.
In my class, I was the only girl running. =.=' LOL. haha!!
GUess what, Pengetua even did some senamrobik. =.='
Btw, After the run, I really felt sick and luckily, my friend came and helped me buy a burger(it sucks, bitter cucumber and cold egg), in the end, he gave it to another girl because I could't take the smell and taste of the sos. Then, I ate some fruits and felt better.
Then I met Aaron, and we went to buy some food, Guess what I bought!?
I had 3 diff sizes of yogurt, a chicken kebab, roti john, spegetti, and Lolipop!
LOL. As the 'tauke lolipop', our ELS managed to sell, more than 700 lolipops, and we collected about, RM421. HOORay!! ^^
___aw... Guess what, There's this Boy(our ketua pengawas), He was playing the role or a ghost in the rumah hantu, and he got possessed. Woooo....creepy, it's because they used banana leaf without any rituals. (creepy) He came out and was doing some silat. =.='
There were a lot of things, like fear factor, and bands(noisy), and also games. Really nice, it's a pity that some ppl(most), regarded this day to be boring and didn;t even come.
Well, all I can say, I really enjoyed the day, with all my closests friends.(balinda, Esh, Suganya, aaron, Teacher NUrul(she rocks, with another teacher,they tried fear factor, holding worms and bugs and frogs and drinking mixed drinks), Pn.Jeya, etc.) I even met Krishnaveni.! I get to really enjoy myself.
Today is teacher NUrul's last day, I will miss her. I wish her all the best in the future.
It was a boring day and I went to sch just to take the Cert.(for pengerusi). =.='
There was no H1N1 talk, and it was all lucky draw, and most f5's won't get(as lazy as we are, did not even collect rm20+). =.=' Mostly f1 and f2. =.='
I will now study more..Work harder. Mayb I will not go to sch on MOnday(extra classes are starting,Sucks).
************I will miss u Balinda, and all the best to u for ur exam,I wish your daddy well, MUaks! ************** KIT(Keep In Touch)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
>.< Tired...
Firstly, I would like to announce that, I won the Public Speaking for upper secondary. (means I won for Spelling Bee and Public Speaking, yEah,I got two)
Secondly, Ghazali asked me to meet him, On Monday, mayb I got some award for Hari KK. ^^
Thirdly, I already bought the lolis for sale, it's like 15cents one, but mayb we are selling one for RM1 or mayb 2 for RM1. (a lot of profit) btw, I don't know whether I bought the right type or not. =.='
Fourthly, I stopped my Art Class for one month due to my trial exams, And mayb am going to stop my Music class soon also.
Fifthly, So sorry to Adam, about yesterday, we shouldn't have sped in the school like that. =.=' Really scared loh, hopefully no one will bring that up on Monday. >.<
Sixthly, I will be so so so so busy nowadays d. >.< So, I am very sorry to my closed ones, I can't have time to accompany u guys.
++we are now using the Bilik Geografi...
Well, it's just all this.
Hari Koko, Trial exam, and ......just these two, it's already giving me so much stress. >.<
Secondly, Ghazali asked me to meet him, On Monday, mayb I got some award for Hari KK. ^^
Thirdly, I already bought the lolis for sale, it's like 15cents one, but mayb we are selling one for RM1 or mayb 2 for RM1. (a lot of profit) btw, I don't know whether I bought the right type or not. =.='
Fourthly, I stopped my Art Class for one month due to my trial exams, And mayb am going to stop my Music class soon also.
Fifthly, So sorry to Adam, about yesterday, we shouldn't have sped in the school like that. =.=' Really scared loh, hopefully no one will bring that up on Monday. >.<
Sixthly, I will be so so so so busy nowadays d. >.< So, I am very sorry to my closed ones, I can't have time to accompany u guys.
++we are now using the Bilik Geografi...
Well, it's just all this.
Hari Koko, Trial exam, and ......just these two, it's already giving me so much stress. >.<
Monday, July 20, 2009
^^ waw..
Guess what.. I am the champion for SMKTHo upper secondary, SPELLING Bee, or rather should I call it Word Building Beee.. =.=' Want to know why? haha!. Well, it's a but different from what I have entered before.. It goes like this.......
It starts with the first round, a four-letter word will be given. For example, L O V E, then the next person will have to come up with another word starting with the last letter of the LOVE. And the condition, is that it must be four-lettered.
It's actually quite tough. When we were at the second round,(already 5 letter words), I got the letter M, so I said MONEY. -,-; And Suganya was beside me, and she couldn't say a 5 letter word starting with Y. awww....There's also a time limit, 7seconds.
Until the 4th round(7 letter word), everyone was out, and left me(the last to spell) and the boy before me spelled a word ending with Y.=.=' I was like OMG!! (JUSt like Karma, I did to Suganya.=.=) haha! I was just stunt, and my friends behind were like 'Habislah Adelyn'... =.=' Luckily, a word got into my mind, the last 3seconds, YAWNING!!! -,- haha!! THx god.. lOl...
Then, the final level(8 letter word), both the form4 boys failed, and I passed. ^^ thanks to my kindy days, my favourite word, ELEPHAnT. ^^
So, throughout this competition, I spelled, Pipe, Money, Scores, Yawning, Elephant. ^^ =.=' Lol... It really requires fast thinking, and a vast vocab. yeah. ^^
You can say that I am lucky also, because this(word building) is my strength, but spelling is not. haha!
And and, I am looking forward to the public speaking competition this Thursday.
++I may be performing my keyboard with some of my friends(guitarists) on Hari Kantin.
++I hate studying in the Lab, It's really back-aching. Do they really need two weeks to set up the rumah hantu?? =.='
++So sad, Aaron so bad lah, nvr join the ''word building'' also. T-T he ar..really can make someone long piak de. =.='
++gambate for exam. ^^
++Happy Bday, Adam.
It starts with the first round, a four-letter word will be given. For example, L O V E, then the next person will have to come up with another word starting with the last letter of the LOVE. And the condition, is that it must be four-lettered.
It's actually quite tough. When we were at the second round,(already 5 letter words), I got the letter M, so I said MONEY. -,-; And Suganya was beside me, and she couldn't say a 5 letter word starting with Y. awww....There's also a time limit, 7seconds.
Until the 4th round(7 letter word), everyone was out, and left me(the last to spell) and the boy before me spelled a word ending with Y.=.=' I was like OMG!! (JUSt like Karma, I did to Suganya.=.=) haha! I was just stunt, and my friends behind were like 'Habislah Adelyn'... =.=' Luckily, a word got into my mind, the last 3seconds, YAWNING!!! -,- haha!! THx god.. lOl...
Then, the final level(8 letter word), both the form4 boys failed, and I passed. ^^ thanks to my kindy days, my favourite word, ELEPHAnT. ^^
So, throughout this competition, I spelled, Pipe, Money, Scores, Yawning, Elephant. ^^ =.=' Lol... It really requires fast thinking, and a vast vocab. yeah. ^^
You can say that I am lucky also, because this(word building) is my strength, but spelling is not. haha!
And and, I am looking forward to the public speaking competition this Thursday.
++I may be performing my keyboard with some of my friends(guitarists) on Hari Kantin.
++I hate studying in the Lab, It's really back-aching. Do they really need two weeks to set up the rumah hantu?? =.='
++So sad, Aaron so bad lah, nvr join the ''word building'' also. T-T he ar..really can make someone long piak de. =.='
++gambate for exam. ^^
++Happy Bday, Adam.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I started my day with Harry Potter.^^ I went to Sc to watch this movie with Alex.
Well, the movie was like, okiee, I like the special effects and graphics. ^^ really cool. Haha. HOwever, if it's for someone who doesn't read the book, the person will be soo sooosooo really, BLurr..=.= haha! It's because this movie is more of suspense, and about dumbledore being killed in the end. hhaa. it's really long, until, we didn't have the chance to eat our planned lunch, SUSHIII.. T-T sob..
So, we rushed to MCd, and bought two sets of Fillet. aw..

haha! We manages to reach Ms.Pang's house in time. We were eating our burgers in the car, it was really funny. I felt soOO Kiddy kid, ^^
At the area, it's in Philip Chang's house, And if not mistaken the teacher(anne), she was really inspiring. She's so open minded, and never gives up in teaching us, She did guide me and made playing easy, ^^ and interesting, because she will be like, "YES!! THATS IT, BEAUTIFUL". =.='
haha! Really cool, words cant describe her. ^^ I will be looking forward to meet her again, And change is all we need, Be open, be ready to change. ^^
Plus, Pop music is not good for health, =.=' I do not know how true it is, but, well, just be cautious.
She also mention that, we must not work for perfection, but work to be perfect. ^^ Really nice. Well, ok, I will not give up on my music. It's mine...I will treasure my ability. haha!
Just keep ourselves open, and be ready to learn anywhere, anytime. ^^
Btw, Thx Alex, for fetching me home. =.=' LOl...U ar, really teh with u, but your chopipn was really nice. ^^ thumbs up. ^^
Well, the movie was like, okiee, I like the special effects and graphics. ^^ really cool. Haha. HOwever, if it's for someone who doesn't read the book, the person will be soo sooosooo really, BLurr..=.= haha! It's because this movie is more of suspense, and about dumbledore being killed in the end. hhaa. it's really long, until, we didn't have the chance to eat our planned lunch, SUSHIII.. T-T sob..
So, we rushed to MCd, and bought two sets of Fillet. aw..
haha! We manages to reach Ms.Pang's house in time. We were eating our burgers in the car, it was really funny. I felt soOO Kiddy kid, ^^
At the area, it's in Philip Chang's house, And if not mistaken the teacher(anne), she was really inspiring. She's so open minded, and never gives up in teaching us, She did guide me and made playing easy, ^^ and interesting, because she will be like, "YES!! THATS IT, BEAUTIFUL". =.='
haha! Really cool, words cant describe her. ^^ I will be looking forward to meet her again, And change is all we need, Be open, be ready to change. ^^
Plus, Pop music is not good for health, =.=' I do not know how true it is, but, well, just be cautious.
She also mention that, we must not work for perfection, but work to be perfect. ^^ Really nice. Well, ok, I will not give up on my music. It's mine...I will treasure my ability. haha!
Just keep ourselves open, and be ready to learn anywhere, anytime. ^^
Btw, Thx Alex, for fetching me home. =.=' LOl...U ar, really teh with u, but your chopipn was really nice. ^^ thumbs up. ^^
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thanks A LOT.
TOday was our Hari Anugerah. At last, I managed to perform my best, with no mistakes. ^^
I would like to thank everyone for your praises and wishes. ^^ (pn.Kiran, Pn,Vejeya,all the teachers, parents, Friends, And etc..INcluding, YB Arif SHah.)
I would like to thank everyone for your praises and wishes. ^^ (pn.Kiran, Pn,Vejeya,all the teachers, parents, Friends, And etc..INcluding, YB Arif SHah.)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
wawa. =.=' I have got so many things coming up.
1) I have got performances this Friday, for Hari Anugerah.
2) em.. MY trial exam is ccoming. T-T creepy. 10august!! And it covers everything!!!
3) Hari KK is also coming! I have to do preparations for the ELS, we are selling lolipops!!! ^^ @----
4) Next week, I am maybeee going to join the spelling bee competition and also public speaking! =.= OMG!! Many ppl's gonna join the public speaking, and I think I am the only f5. =.=' nonononononoo!!!
5) This coming Sunday, I have a MAster class to attend, and I don't know what piece to bring. >.< Alexxxx...help mie.. aw. haha!
Aw... so many... T-T
huh.. soby..
Btw, I got 94% for my paper3, Pendidikan Seni. ^^ hehe.. NIce...
1) I have got performances this Friday, for Hari Anugerah.
2) em.. MY trial exam is ccoming. T-T creepy. 10august!! And it covers everything!!!
3) Hari KK is also coming! I have to do preparations for the ELS, we are selling lolipops!!! ^^ @----
4) Next week, I am maybeee going to join the spelling bee competition and also public speaking! =.= OMG!! Many ppl's gonna join the public speaking, and I think I am the only f5. =.=' nonononononoo!!!
5) This coming Sunday, I have a MAster class to attend, and I don't know what piece to bring. >.< Alexxxx...help mie.. aw. haha!
Aw... so many... T-T
huh.. soby..
Btw, I got 94% for my paper3, Pendidikan Seni. ^^ hehe.. NIce...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
It's over..My violin exam. T-T
Aw...I don't know how I did, but honestly, it was bad, I missed a lot of notes while playing. sob....
NOw, I will just wish for the best. >.<
Aw..Should I bring my badminton racket tomorrow?? LOl...So boring, In this week, Bala and my BM teacher are not coming. LOL. always bzbzbbzbbzbz. =.='
Btw, NOrlida mj asked me to bring violin to sch tomoro. I got to bring my 3000++ violin, coz my cheaper one is being repaired. LOLLOL.... Got to really take good care of it. huhu..
Aw...I don't know how I did, but honestly, it was bad, I missed a lot of notes while playing. sob....
NOw, I will just wish for the best. >.<
Aw..Should I bring my badminton racket tomorrow?? LOl...So boring, In this week, Bala and my BM teacher are not coming. LOL. always bzbzbbzbbzbz. =.='
Btw, NOrlida mj asked me to bring violin to sch tomoro. I got to bring my 3000++ violin, coz my cheaper one is being repaired. LOLLOL.... Got to really take good care of it. huhu..
Monday, July 6, 2009
Violin exam..
My violin exam is tommorow.. +.+ I am soooooo scared, because this time, I really can't play certain parts well. SOB..........
My violin exam is tommorow.. +.+ I am soooooo scared, because this time, I really can't play certain parts well. SOB..........
Friday, July 3, 2009
The Consequences of being "ke po". =.='
LOL!! I forgot to post this that day..
OKiee....Let me start.. Last sunday, I went to the library with Xin Hui and Sam. Then, we went out to mum mum, in Kuan Nan. Everything was normal...(like we spent 30minutes thinking about what and where to eat) LOL!!
Then, on the way back, we passed the road near Sc, it was really blocked, there was some activity there. Really jam, and there were police taking care of the condition, I think it's some kind of exibition thing. So, we were like quite 'ke po' and wanted to check it out. SO, we went one round to the other side of the road, and got stuck there. =.='
It was quite 'baka'...=.=' LOl..then we decided to go into Sc to park. So, we went in, then we realised that there were too many cars to park. =.=' LOL!! Then, in 2minutes, we paid the RM1 and got out. =.='
It was like, we wasted almost 1hour around the place, in the car, round and stuck, in and out, paid rm1, and didn't even get to see what the event was. =.=' LOL!!! =.=' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!
BTW, I didn't get selected for NS!! =P yeah!! haha! A lot of my friends got it tho..AIyoo... Jz thx god i didn't get. ^^
HAHA! I really Sayang my dearests, Adam, Melisa, Wen Han, Aaron. ^^ mUAks! Also, Thankful to Toufuu. Love Sam, Xin Hui.
++Suganya, Balinda, Elyn, And my closest friends. ^^ LOVE YOu ALL! THx for understanding me. ^^ I also Love my art teachers, Mr.Ken and Mr.Faizan(we are SO OVER, HAHA)
OKiee....Let me start.. Last sunday, I went to the library with Xin Hui and Sam. Then, we went out to mum mum, in Kuan Nan. Everything was normal...(like we spent 30minutes thinking about what and where to eat) LOL!!
Then, on the way back, we passed the road near Sc, it was really blocked, there was some activity there. Really jam, and there were police taking care of the condition, I think it's some kind of exibition thing. So, we were like quite 'ke po' and wanted to check it out. SO, we went one round to the other side of the road, and got stuck there. =.='
It was quite 'baka'...=.=' LOl..then we decided to go into Sc to park. So, we went in, then we realised that there were too many cars to park. =.=' LOL!! Then, in 2minutes, we paid the RM1 and got out. =.='
It was like, we wasted almost 1hour around the place, in the car, round and stuck, in and out, paid rm1, and didn't even get to see what the event was. =.=' LOL!!! =.=' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!
BTW, I didn't get selected for NS!! =P yeah!! haha! A lot of my friends got it tho..AIyoo... Jz thx god i didn't get. ^^
HAHA! I really Sayang my dearests, Adam, Melisa, Wen Han, Aaron. ^^ mUAks! Also, Thankful to Toufuu. Love Sam, Xin Hui.
++Suganya, Balinda, Elyn, And my closest friends. ^^ LOVE YOu ALL! THx for understanding me. ^^ I also Love my art teachers, Mr.Ken and Mr.Faizan(we are SO OVER, HAHA)
Monday, June 29, 2009
Budi Bahasa Budaya kiteee.....
Today, we finally did our Budi Bahasa Sketch. LOL!!!
=.=' It's was really nice and funny, I am glad that every1 enjoyed it. Guess what, while acting, I got to do a falling scene, and when I did that, I actually hurt and my knee was bleeding. =.=' Waw....(kononnya, real lah)
haha! BTw, We are all so gonna kiLL Firdaus! He didn't come to school today, and he is in our team.=.= Luckily we managed to get Charles to replace Firdaus ASAP. HAha!
The Penceramah was just praising our acting away, And she even gave us a basket of fruits! ^^ Yum yum! NIce..
Guess what??? At last!! After 7months, I finished doing my art Folio and project work! YAY!! (i used 3months)
I have got to pass it up tomorrow. >.< I will miss it, It's the best folio I have ever done. *sob*
I am so touched! =.='

Today, we finally did our Budi Bahasa Sketch. LOL!!!
=.=' It's was really nice and funny, I am glad that every1 enjoyed it. Guess what, while acting, I got to do a falling scene, and when I did that, I actually hurt and my knee was bleeding. =.=' Waw....(kononnya, real lah)
haha! BTw, We are all so gonna kiLL Firdaus! He didn't come to school today, and he is in our team.=.= Luckily we managed to get Charles to replace Firdaus ASAP. HAha!
The Penceramah was just praising our acting away, And she even gave us a basket of fruits! ^^ Yum yum! NIce..
Guess what??? At last!! After 7months, I finished doing my art Folio and project work! YAY!! (i used 3months)
I have got to pass it up tomorrow. >.< I will miss it, It's the best folio I have ever done. *sob*
I am so touched! =.='
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Next week's MInggu Budi Bahasa sumthing....==;
There will also be guests.
My classmates and I are going to act some scenes...*SUspense*
=.=' hehe! M looking forward to it...>.<
I am going to be 'org cacat' and also 'budak jahat', as we are doing two scenes.
So, I really hope, and will do my best. ^^ It's really nice to act with my friends.
Btw, I just made YeeYang angry, really angry. I do not know y, he dislikes Aaron. >.<
Huhu..Y does he have to dislike ppl who r close to me? =.='
Now, we are all over!! haiz..
However, I will just go on with my life, as I am. Appreaciate those around me. It always happens, I Gain some1, I lose some1. (balance??) Ergh!!
There will also be guests.
My classmates and I are going to act some scenes...*SUspense*
=.=' hehe! M looking forward to it...>.<
I am going to be 'org cacat' and also 'budak jahat', as we are doing two scenes.
So, I really hope, and will do my best. ^^ It's really nice to act with my friends.
Btw, I just made YeeYang angry, really angry. I do not know y, he dislikes Aaron. >.<
Huhu..Y does he have to dislike ppl who r close to me? =.='
Now, we are all over!! haiz..
However, I will just go on with my life, as I am. Appreaciate those around me. It always happens, I Gain some1, I lose some1. (balance??) Ergh!!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Great Gathering! ^^
Last night, Mugi, Elyn, Zarif, Iman, Jayshel, Jen and I...We had a 'mini' gathering, IN TAO CUISINE!!
Mugi came to pick me up, and then, Zarif, Elyn,Iman and I, we were all rocking in the car!! =.=' HOpefully the tyres are now, finee... ^^
In Tao, we ordered.....=.=, scallops, Chicken Bun BUn=.=, Dory fish, Lamb shoulder, and soooooooo many more... ^^
I am sure, that all of us had a lot of fun(especially with our 'photoshoots')

Em, I am on the way to finish my Art project.^^ I really hope it will turn out fine, it looks really simple..>.<
Last night, Mugi, Elyn, Zarif, Iman, Jayshel, Jen and I...We had a 'mini' gathering, IN TAO CUISINE!!
Mugi came to pick me up, and then, Zarif, Elyn,Iman and I, we were all rocking in the car!! =.=' HOpefully the tyres are now, finee... ^^
In Tao, we ordered.....=.=, scallops, Chicken Bun BUn=.=, Dory fish, Lamb shoulder, and soooooooo many more... ^^
I am sure, that all of us had a lot of fun(especially with our 'photoshoots')
Em, I am on the way to finish my Art project.^^ I really hope it will turn out fine, it looks really simple..>.<
Thursday, June 11, 2009
K K K K K K K!!!
WEll, today, I spent 3hours with Xin Hui and Samantha, Karoake-ing. ^^
It was absolutely fun fun-ing!! hehe.
Well, at the beginning I felt weird and awkward, but then, soon got the ''feeling'' to sing d. =.= haha!
I liked Sam's singing, nice..And Xin Hui too. ^^ Cool.

haha!! I will surely do this more often! GOGO!!
haha. You will surely be wondering what kind of post is this girl(me) posting. LAMEEE.....=.=' HEHE...But I LIKE IT! YEAH.
-aRt folio and project, gogo!!
-I AM Probaby going to TAo Cuisine for dinner this saturday! yEAh!! yummy!!!
----I love myself++my Closests----^^ MUAKS.
WEll, today, I spent 3hours with Xin Hui and Samantha, Karoake-ing. ^^
It was absolutely fun fun-ing!! hehe.
Well, at the beginning I felt weird and awkward, but then, soon got the ''feeling'' to sing d. =.= haha!
I liked Sam's singing, nice..And Xin Hui too. ^^ Cool.
haha!! I will surely do this more often! GOGO!!
haha. You will surely be wondering what kind of post is this girl(me) posting. LAMEEE.....=.=' HEHE...But I LIKE IT! YEAH.
-aRt folio and project, gogo!!
-I AM Probaby going to TAo Cuisine for dinner this saturday! yEAh!! yummy!!!
----I love myself++my Closests----^^ MUAKS.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Senior's Party 2009!!
Well, we, 5Science1 had our Senior Party 2009 on 30th May in Safira Club. ^^
There was about 45ppl, including some other class's ppl. Well, mainly it was 5S1. Everybody looked beautiful and handsome.. ^^ (we did bumped into Pn.woooooo) =.='
OKIEE... What can I say about it?? Well, it was really, marvellousgreatenjoyablefunbestwonderful!! haha!!
This is what we did,
1) First, we had our photoshoot. ^^ (meanwhile, many of us were already taking pics)
2) Then, we had our dinner...(the food was nice-i liiked the mushroom soup)
3) We had performances, eg, Me, Joshua, Rosmah, Nabil, Zikri and Redzuan. It was really great! I was glad and happy that I was able to perform with my violin.(I played My HEart Will Go On and Reflection) ^^ Rosmah, Jos, and Zik sang, while Red played the guitar.
4) Then later on, we had award presentation. For instance, Andrew got the best hairstyle and most humorous guy.=.= While Balinda and Chin Chuen got the best dressed. Jonathan got the most friendly(>.<) and Matavan got the Most Attractive eyes(0.0) and etc..etc..^^
5) After that, we even had a game-paper dance. haha!! Shaz and I couldn't balance well. =.='
It was really simple and nice, as we managed to organise it and also participate in it.
Well, I really do not have proper words to describe this event, however, I am really really happy and enjoyed myself that night. IT WaS GREAT!!! ^^
Thanks a lot to Pn.Vejeya for treating us that day(KFC), really enjoyed it!! And We hope u enjoyed your surprise too! MUAKS..
And, to AARon(you know urself) HAHa, I have just got myself a little bro.=.=' ew. haha!
Aaron is like....Very talkative. However, I am fine with what he likes to talk about, as I find it sometimes interesting and, quite stupid also. =.=' Reminds me of my times a few years back, haha!! Ohya!! He's a cute boy too. Well, I couldn't belive myself when I told Suganya that I wanted to make him my little bro, coz I really sounded stupid. =.=' Choosing a little pest who sounds years more matured than ME!! =.= haha!! It's really is a joke.
Em..EM....SUmmore....about him ar, I seriously do not know how to use words to describe him, because to me, he is really some1 special(not the bf thingi). Well, I love(DONt salah faham..) him!! yay! (aw, terlebih over pulak, lovee..-.-, not THat Love also, it's another LOVE which we'll never fall out) =.=' I hope you(readers) understand, hehe!
Btw, I am really worried, I do not know what he thinks of me. A baka girl?? A MAniac? =.=' waw..It's hurting to know if that is it.
I have face quite a lot of bro sis thing, and mostly, are failures, because, as we grow up, Things change, you know, So, Peopple change, and As I HAd sAid many times before, Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. Well, I do not know how long this is going to last, But I wish and will try to be the best, to become a better person, for those around me.
MUAKs.. I was a failure, but I will still try try and go on, unill I succeed and THEN, improve myself, still.
My decision: Years from now, I will look back, and laugh at all my actions now. ^^
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Back from what? Exam!!
For the last two weeks, I have been sooOOOO busy for my mid-term exam, and I even got sick for a week. >.< last minute study.. heheh.
I am now so worried for my results. I really want to get a prize for the exam.. T-T
kk..Btw, My Bday was just over on last Sunday, I just stayed at home and read for my exam. swt!! Btw, I got a surprise bday card from Balinda!! ^^ thx..

N some of my friends wished me too. THx to all of you who remembered my bday.. ^^
Now, I am excited for my class anual dinner which is on this saturday!! YEAaa...And I also got to prepare some performance for Hari anugerah. >.<
And my violin exam is also coming and my playing is not good at all. Got to practise my music. GOGO!!! and Also study...........LLLALLALAllllaallla.....
Btw, I am very happy for being able to Be the MC with Balinda and Joshua for the Science and Maths week last two weeks. It's really cool and a great experience to talk during the asembly.
Now, I am improving myself d...^^
For the last two weeks, I have been sooOOOO busy for my mid-term exam, and I even got sick for a week. >.< last minute study.. heheh.
I am now so worried for my results. I really want to get a prize for the exam.. T-T
kk..Btw, My Bday was just over on last Sunday, I just stayed at home and read for my exam. swt!! Btw, I got a surprise bday card from Balinda!! ^^ thx..
N some of my friends wished me too. THx to all of you who remembered my bday.. ^^
Now, I am excited for my class anual dinner which is on this saturday!! YEAaa...And I also got to prepare some performance for Hari anugerah. >.<
And my violin exam is also coming and my playing is not good at all. Got to practise my music. GOGO!!! and Also study...........LLLALLALAllllaallla.....
Btw, I am very happy for being able to Be the MC with Balinda and Joshua for the Science and Maths week last two weeks. It's really cool and a great experience to talk during the asembly.
Now, I am improving myself d...^^
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Yea!! I am just back from my MAMa's celebration. Guess what!! I thought of giving my mama a surprise but the surprise was actually for me. @.@
My bro they all had planned for a surprise Bday For me.. ^^ so sweet of them.. hehe. At first, we went to Fishmarket, SC, then I saw a cake and I thought that it was a surprise for my mama, so I didn't ask anything.
WAW...WE ordered the lobster dish which costs a lot.. @.@ After eating, we waited for the cake, then when the person brought the cake, he says it's for the bday girl, ME!! haha!
All the shop's customers sang a BDAy song for me, and I was like....Okieeee... >.<
haha! It's a Secret Recipe cake, really nice.

Most of all, I am soooo happy because it's really thoughtful of them. This is the first time I had celebrated my bday with this family. haha! My bday is like 22 days more, and they did this surprise today. ^^ Well, it's because my sisters are back home. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............I really don't know what to say, I love them all! I promise all of you that I will study hard and have a good future. ^^ THx a lot!
THx mama, Big gor gor, Big Big Jie jie(yi Hui), Big Jie jie, Meng Meng Jie. ^^

My bro they all had planned for a surprise Bday For me.. ^^ so sweet of them.. hehe. At first, we went to Fishmarket, SC, then I saw a cake and I thought that it was a surprise for my mama, so I didn't ask anything.
WAW...WE ordered the lobster dish which costs a lot.. @.@ After eating, we waited for the cake, then when the person brought the cake, he says it's for the bday girl, ME!! haha!
All the shop's customers sang a BDAy song for me, and I was like....Okieeee... >.<
haha! It's a Secret Recipe cake, really nice.

Most of all, I am soooo happy because it's really thoughtful of them. This is the first time I had celebrated my bday with this family. haha! My bday is like 22 days more, and they did this surprise today. ^^ Well, it's because my sisters are back home. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............I really don't know what to say, I love them all! I promise all of you that I will study hard and have a good future. ^^ THx a lot!
THx mama, Big gor gor, Big Big Jie jie(yi Hui), Big Jie jie, Meng Meng Jie. ^^

Friday, May 1, 2009
yea..Kick start.
Today, I went for an add Maths revision class for the whole day in Ranjoo centre. There, I met many of my old friends, including Lim, Simran, Sangkari, and Karti. I feel happy because I get to spend lunch time with Lim! ^^
We went to subaidah, and the funniest thing is, I ate two sotong, a piece of chicken, pineapple, rice for RM8! Really mad, it's the sotong's fault!
It was really nice just now as I get to talk with my old friends, and I felt really happy and felt in place. For such a long time I didn't feel like myself, well, today, I really enjoyed myself. I also got to know a new friend, Haziqah.
Btw, I get to do revision on my add Maths f4, and save a lot of studying time, my exam is on the 14thMay.. T.T
huhu..My Bday, falls in between my exam weeks. haha! Nvm..as if it really mattered, my bday is everyday and anytime, and I also got to know that I am born at 7.35am in the morning! =.=''
In addition, I finished reading New Moon in just 3days, Twilight, in 2days! whoa!! I am going for my third and forth! ^^
Summore, I am feeling much better now(due to what happened earlier, earlier post), I will go on to improve myself.
good thing that some of my school teachers gave tips for certain papers..>.<
OK.........Finally, I missed all of my Bestest friends..and everyone i know...and I am really trying my best to study ooo!!!!
Well, Happy bday, Alex. ^^ Enjoy your day.
Guess what, Last night my bro called and asked me whether I could go out tonight to celebrate Mother's Day for mama. ^^ and my dad said I can go. haha! Really looking forward to it. My eldest sister is also coming back.
...Well, I guess I have got to off9 now, I have got lots of things to do.
Gambate, ADe.
Today, I went for an add Maths revision class for the whole day in Ranjoo centre. There, I met many of my old friends, including Lim, Simran, Sangkari, and Karti. I feel happy because I get to spend lunch time with Lim! ^^
We went to subaidah, and the funniest thing is, I ate two sotong, a piece of chicken, pineapple, rice for RM8! Really mad, it's the sotong's fault!
It was really nice just now as I get to talk with my old friends, and I felt really happy and felt in place. For such a long time I didn't feel like myself, well, today, I really enjoyed myself. I also got to know a new friend, Haziqah.
Btw, I get to do revision on my add Maths f4, and save a lot of studying time, my exam is on the 14thMay.. T.T
huhu..My Bday, falls in between my exam weeks. haha! Nvm..as if it really mattered, my bday is everyday and anytime, and I also got to know that I am born at 7.35am in the morning! =.=''
In addition, I finished reading New Moon in just 3days, Twilight, in 2days! whoa!! I am going for my third and forth! ^^
Summore, I am feeling much better now(due to what happened earlier, earlier post), I will go on to improve myself.
good thing that some of my school teachers gave tips for certain papers..>.<
OK.........Finally, I missed all of my Bestest friends..and everyone i know...and I am really trying my best to study ooo!!!!
Well, Happy bday, Alex. ^^ Enjoy your day.
Guess what, Last night my bro called and asked me whether I could go out tonight to celebrate Mother's Day for mama. ^^ and my dad said I can go. haha! Really looking forward to it. My eldest sister is also coming back.
...Well, I guess I have got to off9 now, I have got lots of things to do.
Gambate, ADe.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Life is not that fair.
Well, today, it's the end of our debate task. We lost to SMK Methodist. However, I am proud of me and my team as I know that we were better, but just due to the judges, they select the winner.
1)that school changed the topic by adding inverted comas. We saw a gal asking the chairperson to add inverted comas at the title. Then they used it as an advantage.
The topic was Peer Factor is the cause of teenage problems and they changed it to "peer factor" is the cause of teenage problems. While, we, do not know whether it is there or not, as our school was the only school which got the topic two days before! Other schools got a week before! Sucks right?
How could they organise an event like this, and didnt the judges know that the topic written on the board is not right??? Btw, we couldnt know as we got the topic through phone!
2) The Methodist ppl brought a bus of supporters clapping to every point they say which actually does not hold water! For example, whenever We say something, they always say that they agree. Well, it means that They still agree to what we have said!!
In addition, we didnt mentioned certain things, and they said that we mentioned it.
I really do not understand how blind the judges were.
3)are the judges deaf?? It is very obvious that they were just crapping away on the same points, and they say that we are crapping! WHaT THE **********!!
4)Other than that, the 2nd speaker bang the table at me!! She should be penalised for her impoliteness!!
SO, we lost today, but still I believe that no matter what, they will not go far, as they are using this type of method to win. Especially about the inverted comas!!! They just add it to make their points valid! But actually their points are not strong without these inverted comas! ANd when I mentioned this to the judges, they said too late d.
Well, Nvm...I will accept this as a challenge. THey looked confident eventhough they were crappping, guess thats how BMHigh lost to them too, as we tought that if they can win Bm high, they should be really good as Bm HIgh won Jit sin. But when we were against them, I actually had confidence that we will win. Now I know why BmHigh lost to them, Due to their "clean ways" and also their confidence. You can say that despite the odds against us, we were equally good. However, its the judges preference. Seems that the judges prefer confidence rather than substance!
They may win, as Life is not that fair. I do not mind losing to a stronger team but unfortunately we lose to a team which 'play too clean'!
You may say that It is because I have lost, thats why I am complaining(acting as sour grapes), However, God knows who's right, I am sure. I won't mind losing to a team good as Chung Ling, rather to a Team which use that method to win!
HOWever, I realised that If I am very very very good in something, I do not need to cheat in order to win, because ppl will have no say. SO, This is an agreement between me and god. I will not cheat, but I work hard to be the best, so that 'Dirty methods' will also lose to my abilities!
I have learnt a lot through this as I now realise that if u play dirty, u may win and get to a certain stage, HOwever, if u are way way way more better, then u do not need to be scared as God will side you.
Conclusion, DO not cheat no matter what and accept everything as a challenge. Be truthful to yourself in order to pertain success.
1)that school changed the topic by adding inverted comas. We saw a gal asking the chairperson to add inverted comas at the title. Then they used it as an advantage.
The topic was Peer Factor is the cause of teenage problems and they changed it to "peer factor" is the cause of teenage problems. While, we, do not know whether it is there or not, as our school was the only school which got the topic two days before! Other schools got a week before! Sucks right?
How could they organise an event like this, and didnt the judges know that the topic written on the board is not right??? Btw, we couldnt know as we got the topic through phone!
2) The Methodist ppl brought a bus of supporters clapping to every point they say which actually does not hold water! For example, whenever We say something, they always say that they agree. Well, it means that They still agree to what we have said!!
In addition, we didnt mentioned certain things, and they said that we mentioned it.
I really do not understand how blind the judges were.
3)are the judges deaf?? It is very obvious that they were just crapping away on the same points, and they say that we are crapping! WHaT THE **********!!
4)Other than that, the 2nd speaker bang the table at me!! She should be penalised for her impoliteness!!
SO, we lost today, but still I believe that no matter what, they will not go far, as they are using this type of method to win. Especially about the inverted comas!!! They just add it to make their points valid! But actually their points are not strong without these inverted comas! ANd when I mentioned this to the judges, they said too late d.
Well, Nvm...I will accept this as a challenge. THey looked confident eventhough they were crappping, guess thats how BMHigh lost to them too, as we tought that if they can win Bm high, they should be really good as Bm HIgh won Jit sin. But when we were against them, I actually had confidence that we will win. Now I know why BmHigh lost to them, Due to their "clean ways" and also their confidence. You can say that despite the odds against us, we were equally good. However, its the judges preference. Seems that the judges prefer confidence rather than substance!
They may win, as Life is not that fair. I do not mind losing to a stronger team but unfortunately we lose to a team which 'play too clean'!
You may say that It is because I have lost, thats why I am complaining(acting as sour grapes), However, God knows who's right, I am sure. I won't mind losing to a team good as Chung Ling, rather to a Team which use that method to win!
HOWever, I realised that If I am very very very good in something, I do not need to cheat in order to win, because ppl will have no say. SO, This is an agreement between me and god. I will not cheat, but I work hard to be the best, so that 'Dirty methods' will also lose to my abilities!
I have learnt a lot through this as I now realise that if u play dirty, u may win and get to a certain stage, HOwever, if u are way way way more better, then u do not need to be scared as God will side you.
Conclusion, DO not cheat no matter what and accept everything as a challenge. Be truthful to yourself in order to pertain success.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Today, NoW!! I just got the news, my debate competition semi-finals is on the coming Monday! It's a new topic, and I have got to do rebuttal points for both sides!! >.< The letter came today, to my school at 12pm. Luckily, Mr.Puru was at the office. So, it's a brand new topic which is ''peer factor is the cause of teenage problems''. oMG!!
I have got to do this in two days!! In addition, I have got to finish a A2 sized art work for the Japan-Malaysia event AND my ART Kerja Kursus. >.< all in two days!! ++I have to study for my MidYear exam!! Why everything now, all together! WE(debate team) had the past few weeks free and all of a sudden, this news just come at this moment, I really don't know what else to say. However, I will work hard and take the challenge.
Wish me luck for debate.
I have got to do this in two days!! In addition, I have got to finish a A2 sized art work for the Japan-Malaysia event AND my ART Kerja Kursus. >.< all in two days!! ++I have to study for my MidYear exam!! Why everything now, all together! WE(debate team) had the past few weeks free and all of a sudden, this news just come at this moment, I really don't know what else to say. However, I will work hard and take the challenge.
Wish me luck for debate.
Monday, March 30, 2009
My Debate Experience..^^
It's the first and I guess the last time I try out debating. As the 3rd speaker,I will have to argue to all the points given by my opponents.
We had our district level competition for the past few days, 25th,26th and 30th March.
Our team was against SMK Seberang Jaya for the first round and we won, which means that we will go to the 2nd round against SMK Inderawasih(Syazwani,Gwendolyn,Vishnu),
and WE WON, and we were at the finals TOday against SMK Permatang Rawa(i know TRish).
Let me go into the details, the topic for the first two rounds was 'Being single or married is happier'. AND for the 1st round, we got married, while the second, we got single! While today, the topic was 'should the government raise the age of driving legally in Malaysia or not', and we got to say NO to raise the age.So, I can say that we gained a lot of experience in this competition.
I wouldn't want to write the details about each schools' speakers because I do not want to cause any misunderstandings and hatred here(but I will always remember this,only those close to me will get the story)^^ We are very happy as we managed to beat last year's champions(IW) and the school which won our school's team last year(PR).
Being well prepared and with style, we managed to be the CHAMpionS of this district and prove to everyone that we are capable. I am so happy as our team is the best in our district and I also managed to get the BEST SPEAKER in the finals, today, as Suganya got the BEST SPEAker in the topic before(single).SO, our next step is to try our best in the State level. ^^ GOGO!!
Thanks to our teacher, Mrs.Vejeya, and for the support from Mr.Puru, Pengetua(Mr.Khaliqul), and all the other teachers and friends. Thanks to my team mates, Sakinah(1st speaker), Suganya(2nd speaker) and Ashwini,Kamalindran(reserves).
THe biggest thx and hugs and kisses goes to my DADDY and MUMMY for helping me, by giving me very strong points and arguments, best proverbs, and the best education throughout my life, till I can manage to achieve this.
Btw, I got 3rd in the form for the past test.>.< waw..haha! I think I still need to try harder to be better. ^^
We had our district level competition for the past few days, 25th,26th and 30th March.
Our team was against SMK Seberang Jaya for the first round and we won, which means that we will go to the 2nd round against SMK Inderawasih(Syazwani,Gwendolyn,Vishnu),
and WE WON, and we were at the finals TOday against SMK Permatang Rawa(i know TRish).
Let me go into the details, the topic for the first two rounds was 'Being single or married is happier'. AND for the 1st round, we got married, while the second, we got single! While today, the topic was 'should the government raise the age of driving legally in Malaysia or not', and we got to say NO to raise the age.So, I can say that we gained a lot of experience in this competition.
I wouldn't want to write the details about each schools' speakers because I do not want to cause any misunderstandings and hatred here(but I will always remember this,only those close to me will get the story)^^ We are very happy as we managed to beat last year's champions(IW) and the school which won our school's team last year(PR).
Being well prepared and with style, we managed to be the CHAMpionS of this district and prove to everyone that we are capable. I am so happy as our team is the best in our district and I also managed to get the BEST SPEAKER in the finals, today, as Suganya got the BEST SPEAker in the topic before(single).SO, our next step is to try our best in the State level. ^^ GOGO!!
Thanks to our teacher, Mrs.Vejeya, and for the support from Mr.Puru, Pengetua(Mr.Khaliqul), and all the other teachers and friends. Thanks to my team mates, Sakinah(1st speaker), Suganya(2nd speaker) and Ashwini,Kamalindran(reserves).
THe biggest thx and hugs and kisses goes to my DADDY and MUMMY for helping me, by giving me very strong points and arguments, best proverbs, and the best education throughout my life, till I can manage to achieve this.
Btw, I got 3rd in the form for the past test.>.< waw..haha! I think I still need to try harder to be better. ^^
Saturday, March 14, 2009
I just came back from a concert. It's the Ensemble Koschka, and there were three ppl performing, violin, viola, and piano. ^^ Yi Wen accompanied me, and I can say that the musicians really inspired me. ^^ I really cannot put it in words, but I am sure that I will not forget it, (my first concert), well, we couldn't take pictures. It's a simple concert but the pieces played really showed great skills.

From now on, I will practise more and improve myself in music, and I know that I can do it. ^^ hehe.
From now on, I will practise more and improve myself in music, and I know that I can do it. ^^ hehe.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Spm results for my seniors.
Today, 12March...
THe SPm results for my seniors.
Well, in my school, four ppl got straight A1's this year. ^^ Krisna, Wei Chuang, Mugi and Foong!! Congrats! and also congrats to others who did not bad as well. ^^ this year's grades improved.
As usual, the pressure is now on our year. >.<
I am quite motivated especially by Foong who proofed that even he can get all A1s. So, I am going to work harder from now on!
Anyway, debate competition is coming and I am quite nervous. We are going against SMKSJ for the first round and if we win, it's SMK Inderawasih. >.<
waw!! WORK HARD!!WORK SMART!! gogo! ^^
THe SPm results for my seniors.
Well, in my school, four ppl got straight A1's this year. ^^ Krisna, Wei Chuang, Mugi and Foong!! Congrats! and also congrats to others who did not bad as well. ^^ this year's grades improved.
As usual, the pressure is now on our year. >.<
I am quite motivated especially by Foong who proofed that even he can get all A1s. So, I am going to work harder from now on!
Anyway, debate competition is coming and I am quite nervous. We are going against SMKSJ for the first round and if we win, it's SMK Inderawasih. >.<
waw!! WORK HARD!!WORK SMART!! gogo! ^^
Friday, March 6, 2009
I have got some of my tests results already. i got 81% for my Chemistry(it's the highest, together with WInnie and JunYi), OMG! I couldn't belive it, I really did last preparations and I answeres the paper casually, and slept after that, not even checking! You may think that I am lying, but I seriously am shocked with my results too. But the rest was not gud compared to the others such as my Maths, 90%, my Moral, 98%(many ppl got 100%), and Add Maths, 76%(many got higher). .....
btw, I got praised from Pn. Vijeya and Mr. Puru for the way i debate! ^^ yea!
And, I am going to skip my extra classes on Saturdays because I feel that I will not benefit from them. >.< haiz...
btw, I got praised from Pn. Vijeya and Mr. Puru for the way i debate! ^^ yea!
And, I am going to skip my extra classes on Saturdays because I feel that I will not benefit from them. >.< haiz...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Less headache**
Yea... Today, my first test finished!! I have realised that I have not done enough, and my results will not be good at all. >.< I just dislike it when my classmates copy during exams. I admit it that I did that before, but I have QUIT it already, I realise that it is wrong and I will try my best without depending on others, but I can still see people copying(it's fine, but the worst part is that they copy and get better results).
Hmm..just try not to bother too much, the final result will prove everything. I have got to work doubly hard now, why.....I really cannot resist playing, enjoying and wasting time.
Tomorrow I still have my Art test, not only that, I am going to try to finish that Twilight book and return it to Ming Chau by this Friday. I feel so sad, Ming Chau is going to Australia next week as well as Zarif is going to the MRSM in Perlis in about 3weeks.
Time flies, and we will meet many new people in life, as well as wishing goodbye to present ones. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes.
Btw, I have got to prepare my debate speech..Mariage life is better or single life is better? >.<
Hmm..just try not to bother too much, the final result will prove everything. I have got to work doubly hard now, why.....I really cannot resist playing, enjoying and wasting time.
Tomorrow I still have my Art test, not only that, I am going to try to finish that Twilight book and return it to Ming Chau by this Friday. I feel so sad, Ming Chau is going to Australia next week as well as Zarif is going to the MRSM in Perlis in about 3weeks.
Time flies, and we will meet many new people in life, as well as wishing goodbye to present ones. Life is a series of Hellos and Goodbyes.
Btw, I have got to prepare my debate speech..Mariage life is better or single life is better? >.<
Monday, February 23, 2009
wuwa.. I have been so busy, eg. for the English Society(as the president, I got to buy things and plan activities, trust me, It is very tough) >.< I also got to balance that with my studies!
Btw, to my society commitee members, I am so sorry, I have got to be very strict with you guys and keep on pushing you guys to do work. If not, I will be 'roasted' by teachers! Other than that, I am busy in debate, as the meetings are always being posponed!
Last Saturday I went to Melisa's house for her bday party. We all were lalalallala, joking here and there and played games and enjoyed ourselves. Most of Melisa's friends including me wore black(black team??) haha! I am glad that Melisa's is happy d, because last time she would be crying on her bday parties. haha! It sounds funny when we think about the past.
++Yesterday I went to the library to do a study group with Jos, Esh, Zik, and Bal.
Well, in the end, only Zik and Jos turned up, it was fine as I did revision on some Physics form4, but I think we need to concentrate and be serious more. We were like jumping around and joking about formulas after two hours. haha!
Okie, what happened today, just now?? THere's one cute baby bird which can't really fly got stuck in my house, it's so SWT!!! It was scared and was in my kitchen for two hours and pooed at every spot it sat! (warning)A baby bird has so much to poo!!

OMG! I am feeling so tension now and this cute creature still wants to offend me!?! >.< haiz.. Ok fine, God is testing me. THE VIRTUE OF PATIENCE! =.=' yea, 'right'.
Btw, to my society commitee members, I am so sorry, I have got to be very strict with you guys and keep on pushing you guys to do work. If not, I will be 'roasted' by teachers! Other than that, I am busy in debate, as the meetings are always being posponed!
Last Saturday I went to Melisa's house for her bday party. We all were lalalallala, joking here and there and played games and enjoyed ourselves. Most of Melisa's friends including me wore black(black team??) haha! I am glad that Melisa's is happy d, because last time she would be crying on her bday parties. haha! It sounds funny when we think about the past.
++Yesterday I went to the library to do a study group with Jos, Esh, Zik, and Bal.
Well, in the end, only Zik and Jos turned up, it was fine as I did revision on some Physics form4, but I think we need to concentrate and be serious more. We were like jumping around and joking about formulas after two hours. haha!
Okie, what happened today, just now?? THere's one cute baby bird which can't really fly got stuck in my house, it's so SWT!!! It was scared and was in my kitchen for two hours and pooed at every spot it sat! (warning)A baby bird has so much to poo!!
OMG! I am feeling so tension now and this cute creature still wants to offend me!?! >.< haiz.. Ok fine, God is testing me. THE VIRTUE OF PATIENCE! =.=' yea, 'right'.
Monday, February 9, 2009
*paint*eat* Day.
Yesterday, Joanne came to 'pai nian' in my house. ^^ haha! I haven't see her for a long time and I really missed her. After that, I had my first art class at KenArt's. ^^
It was OKIeeeee... At first I felt so weird there. I even told Mr.Ken that I draw like a kid,=.=. but I relaxed soon after I started my first piece of art. It's just something simple which Mr.Ken let me draw. I Still need more confidence to draw. Well, I hope everything will go well. ^^ I can't wait for my next class.
At night, I went over to Penang for a family reunion. We all(daddy, mummy, uncles, aunties, cousins) went to Golden E-Bay for dinner. Yummy! ^^

Then, we went to my uncle's house and ate some Japanese desserts. (my cousin and her husband, Camilea and Kishen, bought back from Japan) ^^

I like the green one in the middle(it's like so soft), The black one(fruit puding) can actually be kept for 3years!! whoa!! I get to take some home, whoever who wants, ask from me ya. ^^
It was a nice reunion night. But as usual, I still 'kena buli' because I am the youngest.. whaoahahahhaa.
Just morning, I went to the temple near my house to pray. There were many ppl praying too as today is the 'Chap Goh Mei'. After that I bought myself a nice corn home-made ice-cream. =.=' lame...
well, tommorow, back to school As the first test is coming(2ndMarch), I am not so ready for it yet. >.< Time is so precious now, and I am really trying my best to stop wasting time. I even stop my Chemistry tuition because I do not see a need for me to attend it, but I add another(art class).
Whatever it is, I will still go on. Study hard for exams, practise hard on piano and violin(exam), and many more.
P.S. I hate people who gossip and don't realise it and those who are totally fakers.
It was OKIeeeee... At first I felt so weird there. I even told Mr.Ken that I draw like a kid,=.=. but I relaxed soon after I started my first piece of art. It's just something simple which Mr.Ken let me draw. I Still need more confidence to draw. Well, I hope everything will go well. ^^ I can't wait for my next class.
At night, I went over to Penang for a family reunion. We all(daddy, mummy, uncles, aunties, cousins) went to Golden E-Bay for dinner. Yummy! ^^
Then, we went to my uncle's house and ate some Japanese desserts. (my cousin and her husband, Camilea and Kishen, bought back from Japan) ^^
I like the green one in the middle(it's like so soft), The black one(fruit puding) can actually be kept for 3years!! whoa!! I get to take some home, whoever who wants, ask from me ya. ^^
It was a nice reunion night. But as usual, I still 'kena buli' because I am the youngest.. whaoahahahhaa.
Just morning, I went to the temple near my house to pray. There were many ppl praying too as today is the 'Chap Goh Mei'. After that I bought myself a nice corn home-made ice-cream. =.=' lame...
well, tommorow, back to school As the first test is coming(2ndMarch), I am not so ready for it yet. >.< Time is so precious now, and I am really trying my best to stop wasting time. I even stop my Chemistry tuition because I do not see a need for me to attend it, but I add another(art class).
Whatever it is, I will still go on. Study hard for exams, practise hard on piano and violin(exam), and many more.
P.S. I hate people who gossip and don't realise it and those who are totally fakers.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
>.< hate being sick.
TOmorrow, I am going back to school d.. >.< As 'usual', I am sick. haha! It is always a coincidence that I might get a flu or cough whenever school reopens.(that's the symptoms of stress) Yesterday, Mugi, Elyn and Yee Yang came to my house, and I guess I did some playing under the hot burning sun(resulted in fever)
HAiz!! I didn't managed to finish my hmework!
List of homework..
1)Physics exercise(including the whole chapter's Questions)
2)Add Maths(pass year questions for a chapter)
3)Mathematics(pass year questions for a chapter)
4)English essay
5)Moral(print pictures and folio essays(4))
7)Chemistry(pass year questions)
8)Bahasa(a rumusan, komsas work, and karangan)
9)My English aural preparationis
OMG!! One week of holiday given to me, and I couldn't manage to do any! >.<
Haiz.. Adelyn, gogogo! wake up!! I know I can do it better and quit being lazy.
HAiz!! I didn't managed to finish my hmework!
List of homework..
1)Physics exercise(including the whole chapter's Questions)
2)Add Maths(pass year questions for a chapter)
3)Mathematics(pass year questions for a chapter)
4)English essay
5)Moral(print pictures and folio essays(4))
7)Chemistry(pass year questions)
8)Bahasa(a rumusan, komsas work, and karangan)
9)My English aural preparationis
OMG!! One week of holiday given to me, and I couldn't manage to do any! >.<
Haiz.. Adelyn, gogogo! wake up!! I know I can do it better and quit being lazy.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Last night I went to Melisa's house for a Steamboat dinner. ^^
(I don't think I need to describe it, I eat lots of toufu) Calvin(melisa's boy boy), went there with his family. Waw..His mum is also from a 'Kuan' family.
I feel that Melisa's family is very close and nice. ^^ We all played poker, we(melisa, calvin) keep on losing and winning and losing and winning. =.=' Unexpecting type of game. haiz.
I enjoyed last night a lot. Well, Melisa asked me whether I wanted to follow them to Penang today. I said I can't because I had lots of work to do, and my mum would be nagging again. =.=' haiz..
My other friend(jitsin) also asked me to go today. huhu. My dad was actually fine with it but... haiz. >.< sad..
I have still got lots of homework to do... T-T waw!!!
(I don't think I need to describe it, I eat lots of toufu) Calvin(melisa's boy boy), went there with his family. Waw..His mum is also from a 'Kuan' family.
I feel that Melisa's family is very close and nice. ^^ We all played poker, we(melisa, calvin) keep on losing and winning and losing and winning. =.=' Unexpecting type of game. haiz.
I enjoyed last night a lot. Well, Melisa asked me whether I wanted to follow them to Penang today. I said I can't because I had lots of work to do, and my mum would be nagging again. =.=' haiz..
My other friend(jitsin) also asked me to go today. huhu. My dad was actually fine with it but... haiz. >.< sad..
I have still got lots of homework to do... T-T waw!!!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year! muaks!
Today is the second day of Cny.
em..What to say? I wore my new clothes, btw, Melisa looked so pretty and cool(from the pics), we sent pics to each other(how we dress and blah blah)
Yeaterday, my parents and I went visiting to the usual places, about 6houses.
I got lots of angpau oo.. ^^
Briefly, second day, I went to my uncles houses. I even went bck to my real mum's side(i ate steamboated food) ^^ I ate a lot today.
I even took nice pics with my sisters. Meng Meng jie gave me new painting brushes and colours. ^^ yay!! I can't wait to go to Art classes.
WHoa! Seriously, I am getting lazy to describe my life nowadays. ^^
em..What to say? I wore my new clothes, btw, Melisa looked so pretty and cool(from the pics), we sent pics to each other(how we dress and blah blah)
Yeaterday, my parents and I went visiting to the usual places, about 6houses.
I got lots of angpau oo.. ^^
Briefly, second day, I went to my uncles houses. I even went bck to my real mum's side(i ate steamboated food) ^^ I ate a lot today.
I even took nice pics with my sisters. Meng Meng jie gave me new painting brushes and colours. ^^ yay!! I can't wait to go to Art classes.
WHoa! Seriously, I am getting lazy to describe my life nowadays. ^^
Friday, January 23, 2009
GOng XI xixixixixixix...
Today, the performance for Cny in school.
We managed to sing Ying Choon Hua well, but...the Gong Xi GOng XI was a little too fast(remix).
so, we danced and just enjoyed the beat and sang only the chorus. =.=' There were also other events, and the most surprising was the lion dance! Even our Pengetua didn't expect that performance. His face expression was priceless! haha!
swt!!!!! We got lots of ‘angpau’ and mandarin oranges! ^^
After that, we had our usual photoshoot(after performances).We took pictures with many poses(like models), including HSM jumping poses! wah!! I feel great and it reminds me of the times(that we had before and after competitions)
After that, my class(5Science1), spent one hour+ singing the song, Seasons In the Sun(for a class performance). We had a mini karaoke too. ^^ It was fun!! Even Avinash sang a song!
Well, today I really had lots of fun with my friends. Even during the afternoon when I went to tuition, I had fun with Otto and my other friends. I was just curious to know how yellow my teeth are. =.='
swt!! haha! I guess this is the New Year mood..llaallalalalalallala!! >.< blur d.
Btw, Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! Gong Xi Gong xi!
Today, the performance for Cny in school.
We managed to sing Ying Choon Hua well, but...the Gong Xi GOng XI was a little too fast(remix).
so, we danced and just enjoyed the beat and sang only the chorus. =.=' There were also other events, and the most surprising was the lion dance! Even our Pengetua didn't expect that performance. His face expression was priceless! haha!
swt!!!!! We got lots of ‘angpau’ and mandarin oranges! ^^
After that, we had our usual photoshoot(after performances).We took pictures with many poses(like models), including HSM jumping poses! wah!! I feel great and it reminds me of the times(that we had before and after competitions)
After that, my class(5Science1), spent one hour+ singing the song, Seasons In the Sun(for a class performance). We had a mini karaoke too. ^^ It was fun!! Even Avinash sang a song!
Well, today I really had lots of fun with my friends. Even during the afternoon when I went to tuition, I had fun with Otto and my other friends. I was just curious to know how yellow my teeth are. =.='
swt!! haha! I guess this is the New Year mood..llaallalalalalallala!! >.< blur d.
Btw, Happy Chinese New Year to everyone! Gong Xi Gong xi!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Yesterday, I went to sch.(Saturday but a sch day to replace a day during CNY)
For the half-day, there was the eletion for clubs and a gotong-royong.
I changed to the English Language Society. Well, I managed to get the most votes and become the president of the society with a Form4 boy, Ooi Kevin as asistant. Balinda got the secretary. ^^ I will try my best for this society and make every1 feel happy and learn new things. THx to those who voted for me. ^^
Then, we had gotong-royong..my class now looks very clean. ^^ Teacher Tan also treated all the singers and dancers for CNY during recess time. Then, we(singers) went to try our cheongsams. ^^
During Sir Bala's class, he taught us all the Chapter1 stuff and gave us lots of homework. Just by copying the questions, I took 2hours! =.='
Btw, I got a pendrive(cheap de, my dad found it, and inside it's just baka games, so I am going to delete everything.) waw!! I am so cruel(but it's just games and I duno whose pendrive is it) =.='
Guess what??
Today, I was busy looking for my new 'old' painting brushes. Then I decided to look behind the dictonaries...and I found my new 'old' camera which was lost for the past 5years!!! OMG!!
Now, that camera id very new and had not been touched aso..but now it's already cheap stuff(last time was about rm1000+) now, just a few hundred. =.=' Really swt only.... haha! Well, at least I found it, if not, God knows what will happen. haha!
As they say, technology stuff gets out-dated very fast. >.< haha!
I have just been to Ah Chong for dinner..as usual, I ordered the lemon de chicken! and also soup and toufu(not u)! haha!
Ok..I think This is all for now. I seriously got to cut down on my time on9-ing. If not, I won't have time to study! awawawawawawa!!
Btw, thx to Tofu for finding the CNy songs for me(tho I didn't use it to sing aso, don't sim tia ha. Paise.) ^^
For the half-day, there was the eletion for clubs and a gotong-royong.
I changed to the English Language Society. Well, I managed to get the most votes and become the president of the society with a Form4 boy, Ooi Kevin as asistant. Balinda got the secretary. ^^ I will try my best for this society and make every1 feel happy and learn new things. THx to those who voted for me. ^^
Then, we had gotong-royong..my class now looks very clean. ^^ Teacher Tan also treated all the singers and dancers for CNY during recess time. Then, we(singers) went to try our cheongsams. ^^
During Sir Bala's class, he taught us all the Chapter1 stuff and gave us lots of homework. Just by copying the questions, I took 2hours! =.='
Btw, I got a pendrive(cheap de, my dad found it, and inside it's just baka games, so I am going to delete everything.) waw!! I am so cruel(but it's just games and I duno whose pendrive is it) =.='
Guess what??
Today, I was busy looking for my new 'old' painting brushes. Then I decided to look behind the dictonaries...and I found my new 'old' camera which was lost for the past 5years!!! OMG!!
Now, that camera id very new and had not been touched aso..but now it's already cheap stuff(last time was about rm1000+) now, just a few hundred. =.=' Really swt only.... haha! Well, at least I found it, if not, God knows what will happen. haha!
As they say, technology stuff gets out-dated very fast. >.< haha!
I have just been to Ah Chong for dinner..as usual, I ordered the lemon de chicken! and also soup and toufu(not u)! haha!
Ok..I think This is all for now. I seriously got to cut down on my time on9-ing. If not, I won't have time to study! awawawawawawa!!
Btw, thx to Tofu for finding the CNy songs for me(tho I didn't use it to sing aso, don't sim tia ha. Paise.) ^^
Thursday, January 15, 2009
So far so good..i guess.
It has been almost 10days of schooling this year. It's fine so far..
I am sitting next to Suganya in the front place(so dusty, i even brought a face mask, but didn't wear). Now, I have a not bad Chemistry and Physics teacher as well. ^^
This year, I want to join the debate competition and public speaking. GUess what?
I am doing a performance coming Friday, 23th Jan. It's a CNY celebration and me, Zarif, Elyn, Eveline and Misha, are going to sing two chinese new year songs!
-ying choon hua
-gong xi gong xi
THere's also lion dance which our friends are doing, and Aj's gonna wear d big big mask!! Haha!
This is a challenge for me compared to last year's Merdeka song(Standing in The Eyes of the world) for me. As my Chinese it not good, it's my 1st time trying to sing complete chinese songs, it's also a challenge for my other friends. haha!! It was so funnny when we practised yesterday. However, it's good to have some of the Persatuan Bahasa Cina friends to help us out. I am going to wear a cheongsam!! muahahhaha!! And of course, the best thing for this is, MAKE UP!!
However, I can't wait for the day, because we are going to show everyone that we can actually do it even if we do not know the language. (still practising hard...especially chinese intonation)
I just registered for my SPM exam, which results to 11subjects and 12grades. Waw..I feel so nervous and tension too.
Last night, I tried this 'baka' method of waking up early to study but failed.
I slept at 11pm, and woke up at 2am(tension), and sleep and woke up at 4am, and sleep and woke at 5am. Went downstairs to brush my teeth and tried to study, but it was too cold and I gave up, and went bck to sleep and woke up at 6.30am for school.
The result, the whole day in school, I was trying to keep myself awake by eating sweets(many many-diabetes). =.='
Today, I attended the seni class, and I had a chance to looked at how ppl paint the 'seni halus'. Omg!! IT's not easy..
COnclusion, I have got to work harder and harder and mayb sleep later(better than that stupid method).
Gambate, adelyn!! Fight and be the best!
Btw, I can't wait for the farewell party..^^ it's going to be in Sunway Hotel for 5 Science1 and 2. HOwever, we can't bring any outsiders...
I hope that everything(the plans) go well, tho we are having some slight problems(normal for this). I also can't wait for 5 Science 1's shirt to be designed. ^^
yay!! senior year??? once in a life, my Lovely17. ^^
I am sitting next to Suganya in the front place(so dusty, i even brought a face mask, but didn't wear). Now, I have a not bad Chemistry and Physics teacher as well. ^^
This year, I want to join the debate competition and public speaking. GUess what?
I am doing a performance coming Friday, 23th Jan. It's a CNY celebration and me, Zarif, Elyn, Eveline and Misha, are going to sing two chinese new year songs!
-ying choon hua
-gong xi gong xi
THere's also lion dance which our friends are doing, and Aj's gonna wear d big big mask!! Haha!
This is a challenge for me compared to last year's Merdeka song(Standing in The Eyes of the world) for me. As my Chinese it not good, it's my 1st time trying to sing complete chinese songs, it's also a challenge for my other friends. haha!! It was so funnny when we practised yesterday. However, it's good to have some of the Persatuan Bahasa Cina friends to help us out. I am going to wear a cheongsam!! muahahhaha!! And of course, the best thing for this is, MAKE UP!!
However, I can't wait for the day, because we are going to show everyone that we can actually do it even if we do not know the language. (still practising hard...especially chinese intonation)
I just registered for my SPM exam, which results to 11subjects and 12grades. Waw..I feel so nervous and tension too.
Last night, I tried this 'baka' method of waking up early to study but failed.
I slept at 11pm, and woke up at 2am(tension), and sleep and woke up at 4am, and sleep and woke at 5am. Went downstairs to brush my teeth and tried to study, but it was too cold and I gave up, and went bck to sleep and woke up at 6.30am for school.
The result, the whole day in school, I was trying to keep myself awake by eating sweets(many many-diabetes). =.='
Today, I attended the seni class, and I had a chance to looked at how ppl paint the 'seni halus'. Omg!! IT's not easy..
COnclusion, I have got to work harder and harder and mayb sleep later(better than that stupid method).
Gambate, adelyn!! Fight and be the best!
Btw, I can't wait for the farewell party..^^ it's going to be in Sunway Hotel for 5 Science1 and 2. HOwever, we can't bring any outsiders...
I hope that everything(the plans) go well, tho we are having some slight problems(normal for this). I also can't wait for 5 Science 1's shirt to be designed. ^^
yay!! senior year??? once in a life, my Lovely17. ^^
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Back to School...>.<
I am going bck to school 2mr...
The two months of holidays, I have wasted it(i guess), I didn't reivse.. =.='
Actually, today, Sunday, I am suppose to go to school for the orentation but i so called 'ponteng' it.
However, I still got some news from Balinda who went to school today.
It seems that my favourite Bahasa teacher has transferred, and we'll be having a new Chemistry teacher(chinese woman), and a different Physics teacher too.
Well, there are quite a lot of changes such as, there are new ppl coming to my class. =.='
Whatever, I do not mix much nowadays. I will just do my own thing and not bother much.
Btw, I am going to try on a new schedule for my life. Mayb I will sleep earlier at night, and wake up early to 'try' to study. I will try it 1st, if I can, then gud. It's because I will get sooOOO tired of my tuition classes in the evening, so I need to sleep, better than trying to study.
Anyway, school time is back, and I cannot always on9 d.. >.< huhu.
I have got2 study more because it's my last year in school and I got to get good results.
I think I am becoming crazier, wearing pyjamas 24hour if I am at home(mosquitoes).
And I am always feeling tired, I think I know the reason, maybe it's because of radiation. So, I have got to sms less, on9 less, watch tv less. =.='
waw..hard life... With all the sacrifices, I hope that I will get a better and much enjoyable future. ^^
The two months of holidays, I have wasted it(i guess), I didn't reivse.. =.='
Actually, today, Sunday, I am suppose to go to school for the orentation but i so called 'ponteng' it.
However, I still got some news from Balinda who went to school today.
It seems that my favourite Bahasa teacher has transferred, and we'll be having a new Chemistry teacher(chinese woman), and a different Physics teacher too.
Well, there are quite a lot of changes such as, there are new ppl coming to my class. =.='
Whatever, I do not mix much nowadays. I will just do my own thing and not bother much.
Btw, I am going to try on a new schedule for my life. Mayb I will sleep earlier at night, and wake up early to 'try' to study. I will try it 1st, if I can, then gud. It's because I will get sooOOO tired of my tuition classes in the evening, so I need to sleep, better than trying to study.
Anyway, school time is back, and I cannot always on9 d.. >.< huhu.
I have got2 study more because it's my last year in school and I got to get good results.
I think I am becoming crazier, wearing pyjamas 24hour if I am at home(mosquitoes).
And I am always feeling tired, I think I know the reason, maybe it's because of radiation. So, I have got to sms less, on9 less, watch tv less. =.='
waw..hard life... With all the sacrifices, I hope that I will get a better and much enjoyable future. ^^
Thursday, January 1, 2009
HAPPY NEW YEaR 2009!!!
Yesterday, 31th Dec 2008:
I went to Sunway Carnival to shop..I chose a red blouse in Momoe but didn't buy it because it didn't have to size i want. T.T sob..really wanted it.
In the end, I bought a simple light purple dress in Dolly. ^^
I had piza for lunch and dinner(the left over coupons).
Btw, Happy Bday to CaiYong. ^^
Well, today..1st Jan 2009:
Happy New Year to everyone!! It will be a better year with new experiences and new challengers. I have got to work harder for my SPM and my senior year too! GOGo Adelyn!!! ^^
I went to Sunway Carnival to shop..I chose a red blouse in Momoe but didn't buy it because it didn't have to size i want. T.T sob..really wanted it.
In the end, I bought a simple light purple dress in Dolly. ^^
I had piza for lunch and dinner(the left over coupons).
Btw, Happy Bday to CaiYong. ^^
Well, today..1st Jan 2009:
Happy New Year to everyone!! It will be a better year with new experiences and new challengers. I have got to work harder for my SPM and my senior year too! GOGo Adelyn!!! ^^
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