Monday, July 20, 2009

^^ waw..

Guess what.. I am the champion for SMKTHo upper secondary, SPELLING Bee, or rather should I call it Word Building Beee.. =.=' Want to know why? haha!. Well, it's a but different from what I have entered before.. It goes like this.......
It starts with the first round, a four-letter word will be given. For example, L O V E, then the next person will have to come up with another word starting with the last letter of the LOVE. And the condition, is that it must be four-lettered.

It's actually quite tough. When we were at the second round,(already 5 letter words), I got the letter M, so I said MONEY. -,-; And Suganya was beside me, and she couldn't say a 5 letter word starting with Y. awww....There's also a time limit, 7seconds.

Until the 4th round(7 letter word), everyone was out, and left me(the last to spell) and the boy before me spelled a word ending with Y.=.=' I was like OMG!! (JUSt like Karma, I did to Suganya.=.=) haha! I was just stunt, and my friends behind were like 'Habislah Adelyn'... =.=' Luckily, a word got into my mind, the last 3seconds, YAWNING!!! -,- haha!! THx god.. lOl...
Then, the final level(8 letter word), both the form4 boys failed, and I passed. ^^ thanks to my kindy days, my favourite word, ELEPHAnT. ^^

So, throughout this competition, I spelled, Pipe, Money, Scores, Yawning, Elephant. ^^ =.=' Lol... It really requires fast thinking, and a vast vocab. yeah. ^^
You can say that I am lucky also, because this(word building) is my strength, but spelling is not. haha!

And and, I am looking forward to the public speaking competition this Thursday.
++I may be performing my keyboard with some of my friends(guitarists) on Hari Kantin.
++I hate studying in the Lab, It's really back-aching. Do they really need two weeks to set up the rumah hantu?? =.='
++So sad, Aaron so bad lah, nvr join the ''word building'' also. T-T he ar..really can make someone long piak de. =.='
++gambate for exam. ^^
++Happy Bday, Adam.

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