Today, we finally did our Budi Bahasa Sketch. LOL!!!
=.=' It's was really nice and funny, I am glad that every1 enjoyed it. Guess what, while acting, I got to do a falling scene, and when I did that, I actually hurt and my knee was bleeding. =.=' Waw....(kononnya, real lah)
haha! BTw, We are all so gonna kiLL Firdaus! He didn't come to school today, and he is in our team.=.= Luckily we managed to get Charles to replace Firdaus ASAP. HAha!
The Penceramah was just praising our acting away, And she even gave us a basket of fruits! ^^ Yum yum! NIce..
Guess what??? At last!! After 7months, I finished doing my art Folio and project work! YAY!! (i used 3months)
I have got to pass it up tomorrow. >.< I will miss it, It's the best folio I have ever done. *sob*
I am so touched! =.='
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