While having my class, my teacher did scold me for not practising as my playing did not improve.. T.T I do wonder sometimes why do I learn music?? Do I have to continue untill such a high level? >.<
When I reached home, I got my results for the Peperiksaan Akhir Tahun!! wah!! >.<
not good. I got lots of C's for my Science subjects! =.=' However, my other subjects like Moral, Sejarah, Add Matha, BM are improving. However, it's not good at all(got scolding)
Eventhough I got 6th in the form, it's not good enough for me..>.< aw. I know it's hard for you to get this and you might think that I am ungrateful but it's very complicated for me to mention it here. It's because the standard is very low, so I am just lucky but not good at all, I hope you understand.
I have got to raise the mark! O.O
You know, that's why I said that I cannot write 100% everything here. For example, you don't expect me to write bad about someone??? It would surely cause uneasyness to some ppl, unless if I put my blog in private mode then nobody would read it!!
Btw, I just want to mention a few things here about myself.
I know that many ppl are gossiping and really hate me.. Well, I can't do anything about this, but what I can say is that, if you are really my friend, you should be able to trust me(instead os gossips),respect, accpet and try to know the ME now and forget the past of Me!! Considering this, I think that my friends have been reduced to 40%. Another 60% are just users and backstabbers!! Well, really sorry to say this, but I am very dissapointed with how some 'friends' can turn out to be.
I feel so lonely and sad.
But, I am still thankful that I still have friends who are always by my side, supporting me and understanding me. Well, friends are easy to find but there's only 1 in a million who can be really really trustworthy, rite? Thx to those who can accept me for who I am, muax!
Haha!! Well, you may think that I am crapping in this post, but I am just trying to express my feelings in a more kind and 'neat' way in blog, if not, what are blogs for?
Em...thx for reading btw. ^^
waaa...you got 6th in the form still kena marah ar..its sooo gud d leh..im worst la..i practically drop in all my subjects..haiz sad xD
aiyo..*huggies* Chill,k.You said before,life is like that.Its the same,ok?^-^
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