I am sure you wonder why I call it "leechie" camp, rite? Obviously, it is because there is many many MANY leeches(a blood sucking worm) there!!! OMG!! Btw, this post is just 80% of what happened bcause if I were to write out everything...I couldn't imagine how long this post would be!! haha!
24th November 2008: 1st day:
Well, I went to Pusat Koko at 8, and had to change to a purple shirt given. I saw Ooi and went to her to say "hi". waw. She changed a lot d. haha! All 80+ ppl + the jurulatih used 3 buses to go to Perlis. They saparated the boys and girls tho. After travelling for about 1 and half hour, we stopped at Gurun, and I joined ZuoXian and new friends(Kean, Ah Ting, Nicholas) with Shuba to KFC and I had yummy Cheesy Wedges, and mash potato with extra gravy!! ^^
and I also bought a lolipop in Caltex!(expensive!!) and Shuba bought two baby bottles of sweets! =.=''
After that we continued our journey to Taman Negeri Perlis. In my bus, every1 were sleeping while I was testing my IQ with Encik Zac! It was seriously funny and chalenging and made me realise certain things. I also took some pics with Shuba.
^^ We reach the place about 2pm and walked up the hill, the scenery on the way was marvelous! We had lunch(not really appetizing), and got to our dorms, it is really nice because we get to stay in dorms. My dorm mates were Shuba, Ooi, Sintu, Tachai, Monica, Lih Ying, and Hoay Wen. However, everyone in my room was so quiet as we were shocked by the quantity of leeches around the area, there were leeches everywhere! Even toilets!! >.<
On this day, we did't do anything much and we had three meals since we reached! wah!! >.< At night, all the non-muslims had Moral class with Mr.Koo, and we had ice-breaking. I got to know the other members then, and at night, we were all placed in groups. I was in group4, and I am happy enough(nth to complain) and we actually named our group Penguin!! >.< there was, Johnathan, Cai Yong, Faiz, Zulhelmi, Wai, Monica, Athirah, Anis, Shazlin, and Ashikin. ^^ and our so-called moto was "selamatkan penguin sebelum terlambat" =.=''
That night was seriously hillarious, we were made to do really silly stupid stuff such as digging our noses(as caves) =.='
haha!! I spent my 1st night sleeping and waking up once every hour! >.<
26th November 2008: 2nd day:
Everyone was so excited about going to Gua Wang Burma. On this day, almost 60% ppl got "sucked" by leech. I was being so cautious and even drank less water so I didn't need to go to the toilet so often. >.< creepy! Before going to the caves, I changed and wore two layers of shirts and pants! Monica was even more "advanced", she wore 3 layers of shirts and 4 layers of pants!! It's her 1st time camping and...waw! =.='
The most embarrasing thing was that Monica and I wore our stupid raincoats out, and were told to take it out(we r gonna get wet anyway) I hate it, my raincoat was so kiddy and nerdy goody goody!! >.<

We hiked the hill and reached the cave, there were many bats and even big toads! Jonathan was always "bullying" Monica and we really had fun in the dry cave. Untill we reached the wet part, our Penguin group was torn apart!! >.< =.='
Monica and a member had followed another group, while I am left with 4girls, and the boys are left far behind! =.=' and it was so dark in the cave and we had to crawl and crawl in the water. It's really an experience and I enjoyed it tho. ^^
However, our group got punished when we reached. =.='
1: We didn't bring back the plastic bags given.
2: For not staying in a group.
Well, it's not really our fault tho...>.< innocent penguins.
After that in the afternoon, we had a station game, and from checkpoint 2, everything gone wrong as the clues had fallen into the river. =.=' and my group started to play the game our own way! We were so fed up because we cannot find the checkpoints. =.=' and I got "sucked" by a leech, at last. =.=' the wound looks small and it doesn't hurt tho. At least I got the experience being 'sucked' by a leech.

This night during Moral class, we had to discuss about Kontrak Sosial. The conclusion is that peace is very important and all of us have to tolerate each other because we are of different races and skin colour, however, we are all God's creation. ^^ At night, we had some games like Tangram and certain motivational activities. hehe.

We went to our dorms at 12am and Ooi, Lih Ying, and Hoay Wen didn't want to sleep, I was seriously tired and rested. When I almost fall asleep, Wei Chen called and ask us girls to hang out in the canteen, at 2am!! In the end, Ooi, Hoay Wen, Lih Ying and I turned out with Wei Chen, Panda, Ah Ting, Kean, NIcholas, and Ah Hao. The other girls were playing Uno with thw guys while I sat and eat while talking with Panda. I feel that the guys were so funny when they saw a leech on the chair and all of them hop up at once! =.=' haha! Not only leech but big flies, what type of guys...=.=' However, it was an experience of creeping out at night because we had to control the noise we make, and we can hear weird noises!! Creepy.. We all went to sleep at about 4am. (couldn't stand it)

27th November 2008: 3rd day:
Everyone woke up very late, and at 7am, only 8girls from my dorm and 2malay girls turned up. =.=''
the comander punished all the other 70students late! =.='' On this day, we didn't do anything but just got ready for the 'majlis penutupan'. After that, we all went to a small museum.

Then, we were all brought to Padang Besar to 'shop' and eat.. I had chicken rice and coconut juice.^^ it was seriously refreshing after 3days of camp food! >.<

About 1, we left Perlis and stopped at Gurun, and I bought my usual kiddy food (nyam-nyam) hehe. We reached Pusat KOko at 5. I exchanged numbers with some friends and bid farewell to my new friends. T.T i will miss u guys! I called En.Ghazali to fetch ZuoXian and I home. It was tiring but I still managed to stay up till 11+ ^^ because I had a short nap in the bus.

Well, I had a lot of experiences and it was the 1st time I entered the caves! I learnt a lot, and I got a lot of new friends too. ^^ It's certainly a fun brief camp, simple and fine.

Special msg: SWT!! nth personal.
Kean: swt. Sorry for calling you a chicken. Well, you are better than a chicken. ^^ jia you in life ba.
Han Chew: Em. I can see that you are kind and nice, btw, still rmber the kontrak sosial?? ^^ so funny nia.
Hao: Em...duno what to say, but I can rmber my 1st conversation with you, the 1st morning wit Koay, rmber? haha.
Ting: Well, I don't know what you are thinking tho..always call yourself lengzai nia. I am quite blur now. Sorry if I hurt you. THx for the lolipop! @---
Wei Chen: HAHA! I couldn't imagine that you were a volunteer for the marathon 2008, I tink I saw you lo... haha! got fate.
Panda: Waw.. You very quiet and always keep to yourself de. Btw, I can still rmber that you are the 1st guy and friend who asked for my number lo. ^^ cute panda!! @.@
Cai Yong: Xiao Di! I am glad that in this camp, you actually talked the most compared to your other camps. ^^ thx for opening to me.
Koay: What to say? thx to your mum for fetching us to sch. ^^
Monica: Hi..I hope you enjoyed the camp anyway, it couldn't be that bad! btw, Congrats for completing it!! ^^
Ooi: I feel very happy that we can still get together. ^^ muax.
Lih Ying: Nice knowing you, I feel that you are very sweet in person. ^^ love you.
Hoay Wen: Hi!! I enjoyed my moments with you, hope to see you and the gang soon. ^^
Shuba: No matter what happen I will always be with you, ok?
Johnathan: HI! Papa penguin! I really had fun with you! Enjoyed it. thx.
Trish: HIHI... I wish you all the best in life, and take care.
WAh!! I think I have got sooooo many friends in this camp that I cant really write out!! ++thx to all the jurulatih also, for teaching and helping. So, to everyone, I wish you all the best!! and Thx for being my friend in this camp, I love you guys!! Don't worry, I still rmber you all although some of your names are not here. MUAX!!
lol its no "ta dai ma"
its tadaiima,ta da ii ma
ok, fine!! it's just one "i"...
>.< baka!
=-= zzz...japanese class?Btw,lucky for not joining such camp =-= Horror~xD
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