Monday, April 12, 2010

Moving on

herm..Yesterday has been the last day of work for me in Sakae. Ish...I really felt sad a bit, but still, I need to move on. I need the time especailly for my ATCL(piano exam).
SO, That's it. Swe Win bought for me Sakae Slippers. ^^ Love it. And TOfu gave me two cute Paos(keychain). haha.

I am now between business studies and biotechnology. I hope to get JPA scholarship(biotech). REally hope I can get it. Still praying. >.< huhu. Btw, I am taking my Driving test tommorow. ish...

HOw stupid could I be.....

1 comment:

Yumiz said...

good luck~!!o.O what happened to ur car test?