Well, we, 5Science1 had our Senior Party 2009 on 30th May in Safira Club. ^^
There was about 45ppl, including some other class's ppl. Well, mainly it was 5S1. Everybody looked beautiful and handsome.. ^^ (we did bumped into Pn.woooooo) =.='
OKIEE... What can I say about it?? Well, it was really, marvellousgreatenjoyablefunbestwonderful!! haha!!
This is what we did,
1) First, we had our photoshoot. ^^ (meanwhile, many of us were already taking pics)
2) Then, we had our dinner...(the food was nice-i liiked the mushroom soup)
3) We had performances, eg, Me, Joshua, Rosmah, Nabil, Zikri and Redzuan. It was really great! I was glad and happy that I was able to perform with my violin.(I played My HEart Will Go On and Reflection) ^^ Rosmah, Jos, and Zik sang, while Red played the guitar.
4) Then later on, we had award presentation. For instance, Andrew got the best hairstyle and most humorous guy.=.= While Balinda and Chin Chuen got the best dressed. Jonathan got the most friendly(>.<) and Matavan got the Most Attractive eyes(0.0) and etc..etc..^^
5) After that, we even had a game-paper dance. haha!! Shaz and I couldn't balance well. =.='
It was really simple and nice, as we managed to organise it and also participate in it.
Well, I really do not have proper words to describe this event, however, I am really really happy and enjoyed myself that night. IT WaS GREAT!!! ^^
Thanks a lot to Pn.Vejeya for treating us that day(KFC), really enjoyed it!! And We hope u enjoyed your surprise too! MUAKS..
And, to AARon(you know urself) HAHa, I have just got myself a little bro.=.=' ew. haha!
Aaron is like....Very talkative. However, I am fine with what he likes to talk about, as I find it sometimes interesting and, quite stupid also. =.=' Reminds me of my times a few years back, haha!! Ohya!! He's a cute boy too. Well, I couldn't belive myself when I told Suganya that I wanted to make him my little bro, coz I really sounded stupid. =.=' Choosing a little pest who sounds years more matured than ME!! =.= haha!! It's really is a joke.
Em..EM....SUmmore....about him ar, I seriously do not know how to use words to describe him, because to me, he is really some1 special(not the bf thingi). Well, I love(DONt salah faham..) him!! yay! (aw, terlebih over pulak, lovee..-.-, not THat Love also, it's another LOVE which we'll never fall out) =.=' I hope you(readers) understand, hehe!
Btw, I am really worried, I do not know what he thinks of me. A baka girl?? A MAniac? =.=' waw..It's hurting to know if that is it.
I have face quite a lot of bro sis thing, and mostly, are failures, because, as we grow up, Things change, you know, So, Peopple change, and As I HAd sAid many times before, Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes. Well, I do not know how long this is going to last, But I wish and will try to be the best, to become a better person, for those around me.
MUAKs.. I was a failure, but I will still try try and go on, unill I succeed and THEN, improve myself, still.
My decision: Years from now, I will look back, and laugh at all my actions now. ^^